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本論文主要運用詮釋學方法,從《論語》、《孟子》、《荀子》等主要經典,探究先秦儒家孔子、孟子、荀子之思想中,「創造性道德智慧」之根源、內涵及培育方法。  孔子認為人能自覺向善,並能圓熟地、靈活地實踐道德核心價值,其根據在「心」;孟子主張道德價值與意識內在於「心」,且道德法則是由「心」自覺反省而感知創發;荀子則認為人透過「心」的認識與思考,能正確地掌握道德原則並辨識所處境遇,自主地促使道德知識與規範的合理應用。因此,三家皆認為行善的修養工夫在「心」上做,並據此使「心」發用「創造性道德智慧」。  「創造性道德智慧」的重要內涵首先包括「善」的原則與價值:孔子將「仁」作為道德的核心價值,有「愛人」之意,並透過「仁」的自覺以「成己成人」;孟子指出人皆有「不忍人之心」,能省察覺知以創制「仁」、「義」、「禮」、「智」之道德智慧創發的原則;荀子則以「禮」作為人良好適當關係的準則及生活言行的規範。  其次,「創造性道德智慧」以「靈活應變」為其特質,具備「義」與「權」之能力。「義」是達成「仁」的方法,也蘊含「仁」的蘊義,其作為一種「理性的要求」,但更具「時宜」之意。「義」要求人能根據當前具體的、特定的情境或關係,判斷與選擇應當而適切的作為。而「義」的表現又合於「時中」,不執著任何道德規範或行動策略,「審時度勢」再採取恰當的辦法,並於行動上拿捏分寸、恰如其分,避免不足或過度。  「權」則是能對複雜的實際情況予以考量,能深切透徹地掌握道德原理所含精密的意義,在各種處遇中,掌握時勢與變化,詮釋且推論所領會的蘊義,識別輕重緩急,並多方而整全地思考衡酌,以恰如其分、應當適切地評價、判斷、回應及行動,展現道德價值與原則的創發與變通。  就培養「創造性道德智慧」的方法而言,孔、孟、荀三家皆相當重視「實踐」,學習於具體情境下斟酌損益,考慮人際關係與需求及環境差異,熨貼實際處遇而選擇適當的方式傳達與實現「善」,並同時「養成習慣」以培養穩定的品格或氣質,如具道德智慧者一樣知覺及行動。「效法楷模」則藉由道德智慧楷模所示觀念、感受、行為、品格等,引發學生認同、接納及模仿,且典範更是指出方向,成為激勵的模範。  其他的重要方法包括:學習邏輯性、統合性、批判性、開放性、多元性等「理性思考」,並能推論、質疑與類比;學習「內省自覺」,真誠面對錯誤而確實修正,並覺察「心」的道德意識與法則,建立道德主體性,並常保對情境與人際的敏銳及覺知,以隨時因應;學習並正確認知與掌握道德原則及知識,作為抉擇與行動的指引;「運用問答」引導、促發不同議題的探究、分析與論證。此外,教師須知覺、掌握與組織課堂教學的特質,並符合教學目的與期望且顧及每個學生特質,使用不同教學方式,增進培養創造性道德智慧之效。
This research mainly uses hermeneutic methods to explore the metaphysical origin, connotation and cultivation methods of"creative moral wisdom" from the Confucian philosophy of Confucius, Mencius, and Xunzi in the Pre-Ch'in Period in accordance with "The Analects", "Mencius", and "Xunzi". Confucius believes that people can be good, and use moral wisdom flexibly; its basis is "mind." Mencius points out moral value and consciousness lies in one’s "mind", and moral principles are created specifically through reflection from the inner self. Xunzi thinks that people can correctly recognize moral rules and the situation, and then, by the operation of the mind, are able to do good.The important connotation of"creative moral wisdom" first includes the principles and values of "good", such as "benevolence" or "propriety." However, in order to realize the moral core values, we need to think, act or make decisions according to current and specific situations or relationships. We weigh our options prudently, thinking from all aspects and with an open-mind. To cultivate "creative moral wisdom," Confucius, Mencius, and Xunzi all agree that "practice" and "forming good habits" are major methods. One shouldlearn to consider the pros and cons in a specific situation, be mindful of the various interpersonal relationships, and choose the appropriate way to implement acts of"good." “Imitating a role model” is also an important method. The creative moral wisdom role model’ s way of thinking, feeling, behavior, and character state can form a sense of direction or standard, which students can identify with and accept as their own. Other important methods include learning logical, integrated, critical, open and multi-faceted ways of thinking. Students should be trained to ask relevant questions and make appropriate inferences and analogies. Meanwhile, we have to encourage students to constantly reflect upon themselves, be aware of a sense of human kindness, and establish moral subjectivity. Correctly understanding and mastering moral principles and knowledge as action guidelines is also crucial. Using the guided Q& A teaching method can promote the exploration, analysis and argumentation of different moral issues. Customized teaching method according to each student’s talent allows students to play to their strengths and is also an effective way to cultivate "creative moral wisdom."



孔子, 孟子, 荀子, 創造性道德智慧, 道德教育, Confucius, Mencius, Xunzi, creative moral wisdom, moral education





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