
dc.contributorLiu, Heng-Wenen_US
dc.contributor.authorLO, Tingen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探究解嚴後新世代法治教育:二十年來我國高中法治教育內涵與演變。為達研究目的,本研究採取歷史研究法與內容分析法,研究對象為依據84年課程標準、95年暫行綱要、99年課程綱要所編寫之龍騰版高中公民與社會教科書,並以最新版次為研究範圍。就法治教育內涵方面,以「法治基礎概念」、「憲法與人權基礎概念」、「行政法基礎觀念」、「刑法基礎觀念」、「少年法律基礎觀念」、「民法基礎觀念」、「訴訟法基礎觀念」、「新興法規基礎觀念」等八項主軸進行討論與分析。本研究以此八項主軸探究二十年來我國高中法治教育內涵與演變,根據研究發現作成以下結論與建議: 一、解嚴後公民教育目標的演變:從培養守法行為到重視民主法治精神、從重視社會科學知識轉變為培養未來公民資質。 二、解嚴後高中公民與社會科法治教育內涵的演變如下:(一)逐漸強調「政府守法」之法治基礎概念;(二)重視透過釋憲制度落實人權保障之憲法基礎概念;(三)選擇以「人權教育」為核心主軸的法治教育;(四)強調防止政府權力濫用的行政法基礎概念;(五)重視思辨刑罰目的的刑法基礎概念;(六)強調保護優先的少年法律基礎概念;(七)改採英美法系介紹邏輯之民法基礎概念;(八)強調人權保障的訴訟法基礎概念;(九)漸趨豐富的新興法規基礎概念。 三、歸納研究發現,本研究提出以下建議:(一)對課綱小組的建議:衡量現實教學時數,適當縮編法治教育內涵、考量將國際人權公約價值理念或核心內容納入教材綱要,檢視考試制度是否符合課綱設計理念,可提供相關建議給大考中心。(二)對教師的建議:參與研習進修,增進自身法治素養與法學知識,與他人合作共同研發教案,嘗試多元的教學方法實施法治教育,鼓勵學生發展公民行動方案。(三)對後續研究者的建議:可兼採量化與質性研究方法、擴大研究對象與研究範圍。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to analyze the development of law-related education content in senior high school civic education textbooks after abolishing Martial Law, from 1995 to 2014. In this research, both historical research approach and content analyze method are adopted. The study is based on lungteng edition of senior high school civic education textbooks which written based on 84-year curriculum standards, 95-year provisional curricum guidelines, and 99-year curricum guidelines. The content of law-related education include eight aspect: “the basic concept of rule of law”, “the basic concepts of the Constitution and human rights”, “the basic concept of Administrative Law”, “the basic concepts of Criminal Code”, “the basic concept of Juvenile Proceeding Act ”, “the basic concepts of Civil Code”,“the basic concepts of procedure law” and “the basic concepts of newly enacted laws”. According to the findings, the conclusions and recommendations are listed below. 1.From the development of the goal of civic education after abolishing Martial Law, it was found that the goal of civic education from paying attention to law-abiding behavior to emphasizing the spirit of rule of law ,and from focusing on social sciences knowledge to training student’s citizenship in the future. 2.The development of law-related education content in senior high school civic education textbooks after abolishing Martial Law are: (1)the basic concept of rule of law gradually emphasized the government also should be ruled by law; (2) the basic concepts of the Constitution and human rights emphasized Constitutional review can protect human rights; (3)choosed the value of human rights as the core of law-related education; (4) the basic concept of Administrative Law gradually emphasized how to prevent government power abuse; (5) the basic concepts of Criminal Code payed attention to speculation the purpose of criminal punishment; (6) the basic concept of Juvenile Proceeding Act gradually emphasized the priority of protecting teenager; (7) the basic concepts of Civil Code had changed the description logic from civil law system to the common law system; (8) the basic concepts of procedure law payed attention to the importance of human right in the proceedings; (9)the issue of the basic concepts of newly enacted laws became wide. 3.According to the findings, the recommendations are: (1)the course setters may reconsider the balance between law-related education content and teaching hours, and drawdown the content appropriately; The course setters may reconsider taking human rights values or core content of international conventions into course outline; The course setters may examine the examination system and see if in line with the spirit of course design, and provide recommendations to the exam center. (2)teachers may participate in law-related learning education for promoting or updating the knowledge of law-related education; teachers may cooperate with others to develop law-related lesson plans; teachers may encourage students to develop civic action programs. (3)researchers in the future may take different research methods, such as adopt both quantitative and qualitative method, or expand the scope of the study.en_US
dc.subjectCurricum schema/guidelinesen_US
dc.subjectCivic educationen_US
dc.subjectLaw-related educationen_US
dc.subjectCivic education textbooksen_US
dc.subjectHistorical researchen_US
dc.subjectContent analyzeen_US
dc.titleLaw-Related Education of New Generation After Abolishing Martial Law:The Development of Law-Related Education Content in Senior High School, from 1995 to 2014en_US


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