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本研究主要目的在探討大專校院資源教室輔導人員角色實踐、期待與生涯定位。試圖了解大專校院資源教室輔導人員執行身心障礙學生輔導工作項目中,對於所扮演專業角色的實踐與期待及其差異情形,在此過程中遭遇到的困境,進而探究專業角色本身對於個人生涯定位的影響。 研究者以全國大專校院資源教室輔導人員為研究對象,利用自編之「大專校院資源教室輔導人員專業角色實踐與期待」。所得資料以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析等方法進行統計分析,茲將研究結果分析如下: ㄧ、大專院校資源教室輔導人員在角色實踐與期待之間呈現相當的落差。研究結果顯示,大專校院資源教室輔導人員除了在「宣傳行政」執行工作根據研內容項「宣傳行政」的在工作中實踐的符合程度評定是六個層面分數最高,但是在專業角色重要程度的評定卻是以「心理輔導」的平均分數最高。 二、大專校院資源教室輔導人員遭遇到前三大主要困境與瓶頸: 1.「非校內正式編制人員,造成生涯發展困難」 2.「工作報酬無法滿足經濟需求」 3.「專業施展遇瓶頸,工作能量耗損產生專業耗竭」 以上是影響資源教室輔導人員考慮不續任此工作角色的因素。 三、根據生涯角色定位次數分配表中顯示,有效問卷139份,54人(38.85%)認為資源教室輔導人員是累積經驗暫時過渡的工作角色;73人(52.52%)將資源教室輔導人員視為可考慮持續投入發展的工作角色。 本研究根據研究結果加以討論,並對大專校院資源教室輔導人員及後續研究提出建議,以供參考。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the practice, expectation and career anchor of the management assistant of the resource room program in the college. The investigator distributed questionnaires. Based on the self-edited scale, Scale of professional role of the management assistant of the resource room program in the college, the researcher tested college resource room teachers in Taiwan by means of the descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA . The main findings of the research are as follows: 1.There was the difference between the practice and expectation of management assistant of the resource room program in the college. The grade of sameness importance at Propaganda administrations is the lowest. The grade of importance at psychological counseling is the highest. 2.There are three reasons that people would not consider to keep working. (1) “It made difficult to be a Non-regular employee in career development.” (2)“The less salary is not enough to support life expense.” (3)“The work energy burnout. 3. According to the distribution of career anchor, in 139 respondents of returned questionnaires, there are 73 persons(52.52%)to think the management assistant of the resource room program in the college could be a lasting job, the other 54 persons(38.85%)to think it’s a temporary job.



大專校院, 資源教室輔導人員, college, the management assistant of the resource room program





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