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本研究旨在了解「情緒能力是否得因幼兒詞彙能力的不同而有不同的表現?」因此,以120位來自臺北市中山區、大安區、士林區和新北市新莊區、板橋區,公立幼兒園中滿四歲和滿五歲的幼兒為研究對象。透過受試幼兒班級教師填寫的「3-6歲情緒能力發展量表」,以及研究者與受試幼兒一對一的「畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗」分數資料,再經與不同年齡、性別以及家庭社經地位背景變項,進行SPSS23.0的統計分析,本研究結果發現如下: 一、四歲和五歲的受試幼兒已具有「情緒覺察與辨識能力」、「情緒表達能力」、「情緒理解能力」與「情緒調節能力」。 二、受試幼兒情緒總能力及分項能力的表現都與年齡有顯著關聯。 三、女生的情緒覺察與辨識能力及情緒理解能力皆優於男生。 四、受試幼兒整體的詞彙能力表現偏高。本研究後續以原始分數進行分析,較能顯示受試幼兒的表現。 五、高社經地位家庭幼兒的詞彙能力顯著高於低社經地位家庭幼兒。 六、階層迴歸分析顯示,受試幼兒的詞彙能力高,其情緒表達能力高。 七、階層迴歸分析顯示,受試幼兒的詞彙能力高,其情緒調節能力高。 八、整體情緒能力和詞彙能力之間有顯著關聯,在控制了年齡和性別的影響之後,階層迴歸分析結果驗證了Lindquist(2017)的假設:「語言是創造情緒的成分之一」
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between preschoolers’ emotional competencies and their vocabulary abilities. This study examined 120 preschoolers’ performances on the “Testing Scale of Emotional Competence Development in Children” and “Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (PPVT-R)” with three background variables: age, gender and socioeconomic status. All participants were aged between 4 to 5 years old and attended public preschool programs in Taipei City or in New Taipei City. The results of the SPSS 23.0 showed as follows: 1. Those 4 to 5 years old children have shown they have basic competencies in “emotional awareness,” “emotional expression,” “emotional understanding,” and “emotional regulation.” 2. There were significant associations between age, whole emotional competence and itemization emotional competence. 3. Girls’ abilities of emotional awareness and emotional understanding were better than boys’. 4. The average score of participants on PPTV-R was higher. This study analyzed their real abilities with their original scores. 5. The higher family socioeconomic status (SES), the higher preschooler’s vocabulary ability. 6. The result via hierarchical regression showed that preschoolers’ vocabulary abilities have significant association with their emotional expressions. 7. The result via hierarchical regression showed that the level of vocabulary ability explains the variance in emotional regulation and it is statistically significant. 8. The relationship between preschoolers’ emotional competencies and their vocabulary abilities was statistically significant correlation. This study supported the conception “Language is an ingredient in the creation of emotion. (Lindquist, 2017)”



幼兒, 情緒能力, 詞彙能力, preschooler, emotional competence, vocabulary ability





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