English Reading Concepts Held by Taiwanese EFL Readers
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Department of English, NTNU
Department of English, NTNU
此研究為探討優、劣英語閱讀?對英文閱讀之認知。研究對象為45位進階級英文能力及45位基礎英文能力的大一新生,每一研究對象皆接受訪談,進而對其訪談 回答加以質與量的分析。結果顯示,兩組學生之英文閱讀認知,差異性多於共同性,其中有些差異性似乎普遍存在於第一語言學習者和EFL閱讀者,譬如,基礎英 文閱讀能力者,較著重於"解碼"的閱讀過程,而進階的英文能力者,則著重於"了解意義"的過程。但是某些認知卻和獨特的EFL學習環境有關。譬如,基礎英 文閱讀能力者較偏向於文法翻譯法,還有他們通常將英文閱讀視為一種學校的語言練習活動,而此看法也許可以說明何他們使用分析法及一些其他錯誤的閱讀認知, 這份研究以教學上的應用建議做為結束。
This study contains an empirical and descriptive exploration of EFL reading concepts held by Taiwanese college students. The proficiency level of these students ranges from good to poor. The subjects included 45 Taiwanese college freshmen of advanced proficiency and 45 of elementary proficiency. Each subject was interviewed, and responses were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. T he results should that while certain consistencies were displayed between groups, significant differences separated could be detected which corresponded to variations in ability. While some of these differences seem to be universal for L1 and EFL readers, such as the tendency of introductory readers to focus on decoding but advanced readers focus on meaning. However, certain concepts are uniquely related to EFL learning environments. For example, the less proficient Taiwanese EFL students' preference is to translate from the target language into the home language. They tend to mistake English reading for a language exercise and not a meaningful encounter. This viewpoint might be responsible for their analytical approach and for other misconceptions identified in the study. The paper concludes with a discussion of pedagogical implications.
This study contains an empirical and descriptive exploration of EFL reading concepts held by Taiwanese college students. The proficiency level of these students ranges from good to poor. The subjects included 45 Taiwanese college freshmen of advanced proficiency and 45 of elementary proficiency. Each subject was interviewed, and responses were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. T he results should that while certain consistencies were displayed between groups, significant differences separated could be detected which corresponded to variations in ability. While some of these differences seem to be universal for L1 and EFL readers, such as the tendency of introductory readers to focus on decoding but advanced readers focus on meaning. However, certain concepts are uniquely related to EFL learning environments. For example, the less proficient Taiwanese EFL students' preference is to translate from the target language into the home language. They tend to mistake English reading for a language exercise and not a meaningful encounter. This viewpoint might be responsible for their analytical approach and for other misconceptions identified in the study. The paper concludes with a discussion of pedagogical implications.