

摘要 本研究主要是藉由休閒知覺自由意涵,了解漫畫迷著迷的心理經驗。本研究的目的有二:一、瞭解漫畫迷閱讀漫畫的由來及基本背景;二、依據Ellis& Witt(1989)的休閒知覺自由意涵,探究漫畫迷著迷於漫畫的心理經驗。本研究採質性研究,以深度訪談的方式進行,將訪談大綱依照休閒勝任、休閒控制、休閒需求、休閒投入及嬉戲性這五個部分去詢問漫畫迷著迷的心理經驗。 在了解漫畫迷閱讀漫畫的由來部分,青少年的漫畫迷大多在國小階段,因為家人或同學的關係而接觸漫畫,通常是在晚上的時間看漫畫,而地點多在家裡,什麼類型的漫畫都會接觸。 在漫畫迷的休閒知覺自由之內容部分,歸納如下: 1.關於休閒勝任方面,對漫畫的認知能力豐富多元,參與與漫畫有關的活動眾多,人際關係上,家長多是以不影響學業為條件,同意讓漫畫迷閱讀漫畫,漫畫迷因為漫畫而在朋友部分,有正向的影響力。 2.關於休閒控制方面,漫畫迷會自主地決定閱讀漫畫的環境,覺察到閱讀漫畫不能控制的事是時間的流逝、隨著漫畫劇情起伏的情緒,以及把漫畫繼續看下去的念頭。 3.在休閒需求方面,漫畫迷的休閒需求是放鬆、補償、精神上的淨化作用、社交和樂觀振作。 4.在休閒投入部分,漫畫迷會有忘我情境、漫畫相關產品花費佔零用錢的比例高,閱讀漫畫會影響漫畫迷的情緒、作息與價值觀,漫畫迷對漫畫有正面肯定的想法。 5.在嬉戲性方面,漫畫迷在閱讀漫畫時會覺得放鬆、好玩、有趣,漫畫超脫現實的部分很多,天馬行空,任其想像。 經過資料整理與分析,本研究所獲得的結論如下: 1.漫畫迷什麼類型的漫畫都看,將看漫畫這項休閒活動,不但視為娛樂性活動,更視為是學習性活動。 2.現在青少年漫畫迷的家長,多是有條件的同意青少年看漫畫。 3.漫畫迷從事與漫畫有關的活動,多與漫畫產業有關。 4.看似個人獨享的看漫畫休閒活動,會因為漫畫的普及和漫畫迷與他人討論的關係,變成了可以擴展自身人際關係的媒介。 5.漫畫迷都有經歷過時間感的消失,漫畫相關花費比例高,肯定看漫畫這項休閒活動的價值,對未來與漫畫的關係有明確的繼續維持的想法。 根據研究結果與結論,研究者提出以下建議: 壹、對青少年的建議是,自發地找出自己喜歡的休閒活動,對休閒活動的專注與投入,會使青少年獲得自我成長的機會。 貳、對家長的建議是,和青少年一起從閱讀漫畫中獲得知識上的學習,可增進親子互動及形成家庭休閒方式。 參、對政府的建議是,確立與確實漫畫分級制度的政策及執行。 肆、對於未來研究的建議 一、可對迷的現象再多加探討。 二、研究對象可將國中生與高中生分開進行研究。
Abstract This study was mainly to explore the comic fan's psychological experiences with the concept of perceived leisure freedom. The purposes of this study were: first, to understand how the comic fans developed the hobby of reading comics; second, to probe into the psychological experiences of comic fans based on the concept of perceived leisure freedom proposed by Ellis& Witt. Adapting the qualitative research method, the study was based on in-depth interviews with six comic fans to understand their psychological experiences focusing on the following five aspects: perceived leisure competence, perceived leisure control, leisure need, the depth of involvement in leisure and the playfulness. The major results were found as follows: 1. Concerning the development of the comic-reading hobby, teenage comic fans were exposed to comics mostly because of the influence of their family members or their classmates in primary school. They usually read comics in the evening, and at home. They read any kind of comics. 2. In the respect of leisure competence , the teenagers had a rich and multi-dimensional knowledge on comics. They also participated in numerous activities related to comics. 3. Regarding interpersonal relationships, parents mostly agreed to let the comic fans read the comics on condition that it did not interfere with their studies., It was found that comic-reading had a positive influence on these teenagers’ friendship formation. 4. As to leisure control, the comic fans decided the environment for comic-reading by themselves. On the other hand, they were aware that what they couldn’t control in comic reading was the passage of time, the changes of their own moods and emotions along with the development of the story, as well as their desire to continue reading comics. 5. In terms of leisure need, the recreation demands of the comic fans were relaxation, compensation , spiritual purification, social interaction and boost to their self-confidence and optimism. 6. There were several findings in the aspect of leisure involvement. Firstly, the comic fans experienced the mental state of being lost in their coming reading. Secondly, quite high proportions of the comic fans' pocket money were spent on comic-related products. Thirdly, comic-reading influenced the comic fans' moods, schedule or work and rest, and their values. Finally, the comic fans held very positive views toward comics. 7. In the aspect of playfulness, it was found that the comic fans feel relaxed and have fun while reading comics. They thought comics were, for the most part, detached from the reality, which allowed them to set their imagination free. Based on the results, the following conclusions were drawn in relation to this study: 1. The comic fans read all kinds of comic, and they took comic-reading not only as a recreational activity but, even more, as a studying activity. 2. Parents of the teenage comic fans mostly gave a conditional consent to their reading comics. 3. The comics-related activities that the comic fans were engaged in were mostly relate to the comics industry. 4. The seemingly rather personally recreational activity of comic reading had turned into a medium that helped expand one's own interpersonal relationships because of the popularity of comics and the frequent discussion among comic fans. 5. The comic fan had all gone through the experiences of losing their sense of time, spending a high proportion of their allowance on comics-related products, recognizing the value of the recreational activity of comic reading, and definitely wishing to maintain their relation with comics in the future. Finally, according to the results, the following suggestions are proposed: 1. It is suggested that teenagers spontaneously find out recreational activities that they themselves enjoy. The commitment to recreational activities gives teenagers opportunities for self-growth and self-fulfillment. 2. It is suggested that the government establish and enforce the policy of comics- rating system. 3. The implication and suggestion for further study are: (1) Probe further into the phenomenon of "fans" . (2) Separate junior school students from high school students when treating them as study subjects.



漫畫迷, 休閒知覺自由, 休閒勝任, 休閒控制, 休閒需求, 休閒投入, 嬉戲性, the comic fan, perceived leisure freedom, perceived leisure competence, perceived leisure control, leisure need, the depth of involvement in leisure, the playfulness

