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在全球化與資通科技發展等因素影響下,政府部門致力於透過訓練提高公務人力素質,俾促進政府效能。有鑑於公務人員公共服務動機(public service motivation, PSM)為公務人力資源發展的重要基礎,而公務人員考試錄取訓練旨在提升新進公務人員的公共服務知能與動機。本研究乃以Perry的PSM量表及Giangreco、Sebastiano和Peccei的學習滿意度量表進行跨文化翻譯程序及二次預試,確認量表之信、效度良好,並針對2011年公務人員高等考試基礎訓練之受訓者(以下簡稱受訓人員)實施訓練初終兩階段問卷調查,蒐集受訓人員PSM等所需資料,再透過統計方法檢驗受訓人員PSM、基礎訓練滿意度及訓練成效間的關係。研究結果顯示:(1)「公共利益承諾」、「同情心」及「自我犧牲」三構面的PSM量表信、效度良好,且適用我國文化背景;(2)受訓人員在基礎訓練前後PSM改變不大,影響仍有待後續研究驗證;(3)受訓人員「性別」及「年齡」為PSM的重要變項;(4)受訓人員PSM與訓練成效及訓練滿意度具有正向關係,且模式配適良好。根據本研究結果,在實務面建議運用PSM量表了解我國公務人員的PSM、提供公務人員理解公共服務價值的學習機會並發展公務人員PSM效用之管理策略。在研究面建議補強縱貫性、質性與實驗方法、納入PSM前因進行因果模式的實證研究與增加私部門及非營利組織之相關實證研究。
Under the impact of globalization, development of information and communication technology (ICT) and so on, the public sectors in Taiwan devote to promote the quality of civil servants by various training programs to improve their effectiveness. In light of the fact that public service motivation (PSM) is the foundation of human resource development in the public sector and the new sivil servants fundamental training programs aims to help trainees enhance the knowledge, skills and motivation of public service and to raise the overall efficiency of service. This study translated the PSM and satisfaction on training inventories developed by Perry and Giangreco et al., respectively, into Chinese with the intercultural translation procedures, and conducted two pilot studies to ensure their validities and reliabilities. Afterward, these two inventories were applied and necessary data were collected regarding PSM of new mid-level civil servants enrolled in 2011 fundamental training programs in a two-stage survey, conducted two at the beginning and end of training, and then statistical methods were employed to test the relationships among PSM, satisfaction on the basic training programs and training performance. Consequently, the results are as follows: (1) The dimensions of ‘commitment to public interest’, ‘compassion’ and ‘self-sacrifice’ have acceptable reliability and validity and pertain to the cultural context in Taiwan; (2) The fundamental training has little influence on the difference in PSM before and after the training and its value on PSM awaits further investigations; (3) Trainees’ gender and age are major antecedents of PSM; and (4) Trainees’ PSM is positively associated with training performance and satisfaction on the training program and the goodness of fit of the hypothetic relationships among PSM, training performance and satisfaction on the training fundamental program is acceptable. In light of the study findings, for the aspect of pragmatic application, it is suggested that the PSM inventory can be applied to explore the PSM among civil servants in Taiwan, to provide civil servants with the learning chance to enhance the value of public service, and to develop management strategies based on PSM effects sound among civil servants. For the aspect of further study, it is proposed that longitudinal, qualitative and experimental methodologies can be added to enhance study findings, empirical studies including causal antecedents of PSM may be added, and PSM-related empirical studies on the private sector and non-profit organizations can be incorporated. All these suggestions can be used as an important reference to implement human resource development in the public sector to construct a highly efficient government.



相關研究, 公共服務動機, 訓練滿意度, 訓練成效, correlational research, public service motivation, satisfaction on training, training performance





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