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108課綱已正式實行,不管學校或是師生,都將面臨新一波的挑戰,新課綱強調素養導向教學,期望培養學生核心素養,達到全人教育。以成就每位孩子達到「適性揚才,終身學習」的願景,並以「自發」、「互動」及「共好」為理念,讓學生成為一個自發主動的學習者(教育部,2014)。學校為提升學生的學習動機與熱誠,需要積極的營造更多元的學習環境,以達到新課綱要求。本研究將透過不同行動方案,並應用「重理解的模組化課程設計」模式(Understanding by Modular Design ,UbMD),規劃科學博物館推廣教育內涵,目的為建置一套符合理論依據的「模組化科學博物館推廣教育方案」,協助橋接正規教育(Formal Education)與非正規教育(Non-formal Education)的管道,並探究不同模組化推廣教育(主題導覽、行動天文館及天文營隊),所面臨的問題與解決策略;及探討「模組化科學博物館推廣教育」實施成果與影響。本研究整合科學博物館多元的教育資源,建立館校合作的學習模式,發現藉由寓教於樂的教育活動,可以培養學生科學探究與實作能力,提升學校師生對學習天文科學的興趣及學習成效。最後建議,本研究發展的模組化科學博物館推廣教育方案設計表單,可提供正規教育與非正規教育機構參考。
The Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education has been officially implemented. Both schools and teachers and students will face a new wave of challenges. The Curriculum Guidelines of the 12-Year Basic Education was developed based on the spirit of holistic education, adopting the concepts of taking initiative, engaging in interaction, and seeking the common good to encourage students to become spontaneous and motivated learners(Ministry of Education, 2014). In order to enhance students' learning motivation and enthusiasm, schools need to actively create a more diverse learning environment to meet the requirements of the new curriculum. In this study will use different educational action program and apply the " Understanding by Modular Design ,UbMD " model to plan the science museum educational action program content, with the purpose of establishing a set of "modular science museum educational action program " that conforms to the education theoretical basis. " Science Museum Educational Action Program" to help bridge the formal education and non-formal education, and explore the education action program in different modules (Guided tour of the exhibition hall,Mobile Astronomical Museum, and astronomy camps) and their solutions; and discuss the implementation results and impact of the "Modular Science Museum Educational Activities". In this study will integrate the diversified educational resources of the Science Museum, establish a Museum-school collaboration learning model, and cultivate students' scientific inquiry and practical ability. Through entertaining activities, to enhance the interest and effectiveness of teachers and students to learn astronomical science. Finally, a modular science museum educational action program design form developed in this study can provide reference for standard education and non-formal education institutions.



博物館教育, 天文科學教育, 館校合作, 模組化, 學習動機, Museum Education, Astronomy Science Education, Museum-School Collaboration, Modular, Learning Motivation

