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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
本研究主要目的在了解報紙對環境教育的效果。具體而言,本研究之目的如下: (一)瞭解報紙環境報導之情形,包括則數、文體認知層面與面積。 (二)瞭解報紙環境報導與認知層面之關聯性。 (三)瞭解報紙環境報導與報導面積之關聯性。 本研究主要採內容分析法,先由文獻探討,剖析傳播媒體之在環境教育上之功能,作為研究之基礎,其次進行各報紙環境報導之收集、內容分析、和統計分析,探究 變項間之關係。 根據本研之發現,提出下列之建議: (一)新聞媒體對環境保護的報導似可從「共識的凝聚」擴展為「常識的推廣」,這樣才可使廣大的閱聽人得以在新聞媒體中得到環保教育,而使得臺灣地區日趨惡 化的情況獲得改善。 (二)新聞媒體今後的環保報導如能從本國的角度擴寬視野與環宇同步,或能有助提昇我國在全球環保浪潮中的地位與形象。 (三)我國環境保護單位似應積極與新聞單位展開有組織有系統的規模合作計劃,訂立遠程及近程的工作目標,以發揮新聞媒體的社教功能,則環保推展必可收 事半功倍之效。 (四)環保行政單位似可參照醫學界辦法,籌辨短期或不定期訓練班,邀請新聞從業人員加強對環保科學的專業學識,與最新趨勢,庶可使新聞 報導與專欄的可看性與教育性相對提昇。 (五)將學術研究的成果酌情溶入批判性報導或專欄之中,理論與實際得以互相印証。
Enviornmental protection has becoming a criticl issues in economic and social development. The enviromnental problems have been dicussed in many occasions, and promoted via different media. Nevertheless, what is the effectiveness of media on enviromnental concept construction is still questioned. Therefore, this study will focus on media content analysis to examine the educational functions of media. The study will select newspapers, to analyze the cognitive domains of educational objectives by Bloom's category. The results of this study can provide the environmental concepts in media designing.
Enviornmental protection has becoming a criticl issues in economic and social development. The enviromnental problems have been dicussed in many occasions, and promoted via different media. Nevertheless, what is the effectiveness of media on enviromnental concept construction is still questioned. Therefore, this study will focus on media content analysis to examine the educational functions of media. The study will select newspapers, to analyze the cognitive domains of educational objectives by Bloom's category. The results of this study can provide the environmental concepts in media designing.