
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討獨居高齡者的獨居因素、生活方式和日常生活資訊尋求,並進一步探究資訊尋求和學習特性兩者的關聯性。為達此一研究目的,本研究採用質性研究取向,以「深度訪談」、「參與觀察」及「文件分析」作為資料蒐集之方式,並於2010年3月至2010年6月,訪談9位居住於臺北市陽明老人公寓之獨居高齡者,其中包含男性高齡者4位,女性高齡者5位,年齡從72歲至92歲。 歸納文獻探討及訪談資料之分析結果,提出研究結論如下: 一、高齡者獨居之成因 (一)傳統安養態度產生轉變 (二)年齡相仿之高齡者有相似的生活型態 (三)高齡者主動尋求獨居之居住型態 二、獨居高齡者的日常生活方式與資訊需求 (一)獨居高齡者的日常生活安排多與個人興趣、習慣養成和健康維護相關 (二)獨居高齡者的資訊需求以充實生活、人際關係和健康保健為主 三、獨居高齡者日常生活資訊尋求 (一)資訊類型的不同促使高齡者的資訊尋求管道有所差異 (二)網際網路的興起促使高齡者資訊尋求管道多元化 (三)高齡者所處之實體環境是影響資訊尋求的重要因素 四、獨居高齡者資訊尋求與學習特性之關聯 (一)導向型資訊尋求是促使高齡者進行非正式學習的重要方式 (二)公寓舉辦之課程是高齡者進行非正規學習的主要管道 (三)網際網路的興起,引發高齡者主動進行非正式學習 根據相關文獻檢閱、訪談及研究資料分析,本研究分別就「一般社會大眾」、「相關單位」及「未來研究方向」等三方面提出具體建議,分述如下: 一、一般社會大眾 (一)正視年齡歧視之議題 (二)積極推廣代間學習活動 二、相關單位 (一)提昇高齡者對於資訊科技之近用性 (二)加強辦理終極關懷、生死教育等相關學習課程或演講/講座 (三)藉由各式資訊管道的推廣,破除一般社會大眾對獨居高齡者的刻板印象 三、未來研究方向 (一)加強探討高齡者生活失序之狀態的資訊尋求 (二)進一步研究對象可涵蓋不同老人公寓或不同居住型態之獨居高齡者zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to explore the living along elders’ reasons for living along, way of life, everyday life information seeking and the relationships between information seeking and learning characteristics. Qualitative research methods are adopted in this study, ‘in-depth interviews’, ‘participant observation’ and ‘document analysis’ are used to collect data. “Taipei Yang-Ming Senior Citizens’ Housing” was selected as the site of this study, by June 7, 2010, there were 9 residents (4 were male and 5 were female), aged from 72 to 92, were interviewed. The findings of the study are as follows: 1.The reasons for the elderly living alone (1)The traditional attitudes toward nursing are changed. (2)Elderly people have some similar lifestyles. (3)The elderly take the initiative to seek living along. 2.The way of life and information needs of living along elders (1)The way of life of living along elders is related to personal interests, habits and health maintenance. (2)Fulfilling personal life, interpersonal relationships and health care are the main contents of the information needs for living along elders. 3.The everyday life information seeking of living along elders (1)The way how the elders seek information significantly varies with different types of information. (2)Because of the rise of the internet, the elders have more channels to engage in information seeking. (3)For elders, physical environment is the primary factor to engage in information seeking. 4.The relationships between information seeking and learning characteristics of living along elders (1)Orienting information seeking is the primary way to conduct informal learning for elderly people who live along. (2)For living along elders, the courses that are held by the apartment are the main channels to conduct non-formal learning. (3)Because of the rise of the internet, the elderly take the initiative to conduct informal learning. Recommendations based on the above findings are as follows: 1.For the general public (1)To confront the importance of age discrimination. (2)To promote intergenerational learning activities. 2.For the elderly agencies (1)To promote the accessibility of information technology for elderly people. (2)To offer more lectures about ultimate concerns and life and death education. (3)To eliminate the stereotypes about living along elders by various information channels. 3.For future studies (1)To probe into the information seeking for the elders who are living in a disorder situation. (2)To conduct further research adopting living alone elders of different senior citizens’ housing and housing pattern as subjects.en_US
dc.subjectliving along eldersen_US
dc.subjecteveryday life information seekingen_US
dc.subjectinformal learningen_US

