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台灣現代社會對同志成家育兒議題日漸關心,同性婚姻在台灣尚未合法之際,已存在的同志家庭如何走過成家育兒的親職之路?親職對於子女人格發展具關鍵性影響,同志家長的親職經驗(親職角色觀點及其展現、親子關係、教養理念及教養方式)直接影響同志家庭子女。本研究旨在探究同志家庭成家育兒歷程及同志家長親職經驗,研究方法採質性研究之深度訪談,邀請三個同志家庭(2個女同志家庭、1個男同志家庭)作為訪談個案。研究資料包括訪談稿、媒體公開資訊(新聞、社會團體網頁)、即時通訊內容(Messenger和LINE等),運用質性資料分析軟體NVivo 10輔助資料分析進行。研究結果與發現歸納如下:一、同志家庭成家育兒歷程大致經歷伴侶穩定交往、向原生家庭父母出櫃、結婚、生育子女。二、已成家育兒的男、女同志家長共同特徵為呈現高度同志身份自我認同與家庭認同。同志家長正面看待自己的家庭,其子女亦展現高度的家庭認同。三、同志家長具多重視角的親職觀點,包含從生理性別、家庭職務功能、與子女互動形式、以及性別特質等面向。四、親職角色展現樣態方面,男、女同志家長非以二元生理性別區分親職工作;同志雙親共同參與照顧養育子女的親職工作;同志家庭中兼具傳統異性戀家庭父職與母職工作,唯獨生理性別不同。五、同志家長教養方式為以身作則、重視人格養成、積極參與子女教育、獎勵與懲罰交替運用等。六、同志家長教導子女認同自身獨特家庭型態的方式有:不具性別刻板印象、接納孩子性傾向的性別教育、為子女教育向學校出櫃、自幼教導多元家庭概念以及反歧視和反偏見教育。本研究之結果可提供親職教育、性別平等教育工作者、政策制訂者、及性別研究學者作為同志相關教育、政策、及研究之參考。
Contemporary Taiwanese’ concern for LGBT parenting has been on the increase. Though gay marriage is yet to be legalized, issues on how gay/lesbian families raise children have already emerged. Parenting has a crucial impact on a child’s development; in the case of gay/lesbian parents, their ways of raising a child (gender roles in the duo, parent-child relationship, parenting philosophy and method) directly influence their child. This research is meant to explore LGBT parenting, LGBT families’ process of raising their kids and their experiences. Method to be used is qualitative, to be more exact, in-depth interviews, and the subjects are 3 LGBT families (2 lesbian families and 1 gay family). Qualitative data include interview transcripts, public materials in the media (press, social organization’s websites), communication records (Messenger, LINE, etc). The software NVivo10 is the tool to be used to analyze the qualitative data. The findings can be summarized as such: (1)LGBT couples often need to go through processes such as dating/forming bond, coming out of the closet to their own parents, getting married and giving birth to and raising kids. (2)LGBT couples already forming families with kids tend to have rather strong LGBT identities and family cohesions. LGBT parents hold positive attitudes towards their families and their children strongly identify with their families. (3)LGBT parents have the proclivity of believing in multifaceted views on parenting in terms of sex roles, allocated roles in families, parent-child interaction and gender characteristics. (4)Of parental roles, LGBT parents do not assign their roles based on the traditional male-female binary division; both parents participate in raising a child; LGBT families do consist of characteristics of a heterosexual family; the only difference is that the biologically assigned sexual roles of the parents happen to be different. (5)LGBT parents’ methods of raising a child may include having parents - -themselves as examples, emphasis on development of healthy personality, active participation in children’s education, use of both incentives/ positive reinforcement and punishment. (6)Ways that LGBT parents talk about their families uniqueness to their children may include: no gender stereotypes, receptiveness to a child’s sexual orientation, being open about their own LGBT identities to children’s schools, instilling concepts such as diverse families, anti-discrimination and being open-minded/unbiased at an early age. These research findings may serve as a good reference or guidelines for educators on parenting, gender equality, policy makers and scholars on gender studies.



同志家庭, 同志家長, 親職教養, 親子關係, 人工生殖, LGBT families, LGBT parents, parenting, parent-child relationship, artificial reproduction





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