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摘要 「三月肖媽祖」正清楚說明了台灣各地在農曆三月對於媽祖進香活動的盛況,而在所有的遶境進香活動中,就屬大甲鎮瀾宮的大甲媽祖前往新港奉天宮和白沙屯媽祖徒步溯溪前往北港朝天宮的徒步遶境進香活動最為歷史悠久,天數和距離也是最長的,不過如果要論參與的人數規模和知名度,就非大甲鎮瀾宮的「大甲媽祖遶境進香活動」莫屬了。 個人本著對攝影的愛好和民俗節慶活動的濃厚興趣,利用教學空閒的時間跟拍了六年,希望能研究在整個繞境進香活動中,如何表現出令人感動的紀實攝影影像,並且將紀實攝影的影像運用在進香活動的宣傳規劃裡。進一步將所得的結論和心得,能落實在實際的教學裡及運用,提升教學和學習的成果。 本論文經由文獻探討、專家訪談、實際創作和教學運用等研究方法和過程,簡述如下: 一、經由文獻的探討,了解對於民俗節慶活動的意義和精神;並且對「大甲媽祖遶境進香活動」有更深入的全面認識。 二、對於相關的人士進行訪問和進香活動紀實攝影的作品分析,整理出有關「大甲媽祖繞境進香活動」紀實攝影的基本理念和拍攝實務上的準則,以利於後續的影像創作。 三、根據主題和創作理念,實際的參與八天七夜的「大甲媽祖遶境進香活動」,實地觀察和跟拍。將所拍攝的作品,依創作理念和民俗節慶活動的內涵表現,分為單幅影像、系列影像和馬賽克拼貼風格影像等三大類型來呈現,創作出展覽所需的作品,並將影像應用在進香活動中所需的文宣品設計上。 四、將論文中的觀點與心得,實際運用在教學課程上。從事先的講解、實地的拍攝、作品的檢討和影像的運用…等教學步驟,希望能將民俗節慶活動之紀實攝影的觀念和影像的運用傳授給學生,並且提高教學和學習的成果。 關鍵字:民俗節慶、大甲媽祖、紀實攝影、馬賽克拼貼
Abstract “The March Craze for Matsu” clearly illustrates the pomp of Matsu pilgrimages in lunar March all over Taiwan. Of all the pilgrimages, that of Dajia Matsu from Jenlan Gong to Fang Tien Gong in Shin Gang and of Baishatun Matsu to Chao Tien Gong in Beigang have the longest history and the most worshippers. The latter specializes in its irregular routs, which are decided by requesting Matsu at an intersection, and its crossing of Jhuoshui River on foot. However, when it comes to the amount of participants and renown, none can compete with “Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage.” Based on the personal fondness for photography and great interest on folk festivals, the researcher has spent six years following the tour and photographing the religious activities of the pilgrimages. Though the observations and records of the pilgrimages, which involve so many people and complex rituals, the researcher hopes to search out what photographic images of activity record are. In addition to preserving the attractive images photographed in the whole pilgrimages, the images of record photography are also used in the plan of activity promotion. What’s more, the outcome and afterthoughts of this study would be put into practice in the actual teaching so as to elevating the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Therefore, this thesis consists of several parts, including literature review, the interviews with experts, research on actual composition and teaching application: (1) The literature review aims to have a view on the meanings and grand spirits of folk festivals and to have a deeper understanding of “Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage.” (2) Through the interviews with the related various aspects of experts and the analysis of record photography of pilgrimage, the study receives the basic concepts and practical notions of pilgrimage record photography so as to subserve the following image creation. (3) On the basis of theme and creation concepts, actual observations, and the photographs shot in “Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage” during eight days and seven nights, the researcher, according to exhibiting notions, not only composes the photographs and create the works for exhibition but goes further to apply the images to the publicity and the design of exquisite articles. (4) The last part of this thesis is to apply the viewpoints and afterthoughts uncovered in the study to the actual teaching. Through the previous explanation, actual working on photographing, discussion of works and image application, the researcher desires to impart the concepts and application of record photography on folk festivals to students. The researcher desperately hopes that the outcome and images gained in this study could provide a more conspicuous direction for the creation in the future and do good to the teaching at the same time. Key words:folk festivals, Dajia Matsu, record photography, mosaic collage



民俗節慶, 大甲媽祖, 紀實攝影, 馬賽克拼貼, folk festivals, Dajia Matsu, record photography, mosaic collage

