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字彙學習作為語言學習的必要條件,然而背誦英語字彙經常被認為是枯燥的事情,因此本研究開發一款AI影像辨識翻譯系統,應用於國小英語學習活動,讓學習者在情境式學習環境中進行英語單字學習,對於行動學習準備情形、外語課堂焦慮、英語字彙學習自律能力與學習成效之差異進行資料分析。本研究使用準實驗研究法,以台灣北部某國小三年級學生作為研究對象,採隨機分派方式選擇兩個普通班級,分別為實驗組(20人)與控制組(27人),總計47位。實驗組運用AI影像辨識翻譯系統,控制組則使用光學字元辨識翻譯系統進行英語單字學習,探討其差異。結果顯示:1. 運用AI影像辨識翻譯系統進行英語單字學習,其學習成效比運用光學字元辨識翻譯系統佳;2. 兩組學習者皆採用自我調節學習策略進行英語單字學習,表示自我調節學習策略有助於支持學生學習英語單字;3. 兩組學習模式並沒有增加學生的外語課堂焦慮感;4. 學習行為模式得知,雖然兩種學習模式皆有利於單字學習,但是運用AI影像辨識翻譯系統相較於運用光學字元辨識翻譯系統,更能夠引發學生的互動行為及互相討論的空間。本研究結果希望為國小英語教師導入AI影像辨識學習時,做為教學實務及具體的參考。
Vocabulary learning is essential for English as a foreign language (EFL), but reciting vocabulary is often considered a boring task. Therefore, the present study develops an artificial intelligence (AI) image-recognition translation system that allows learners to learn English words in a contextual learning environment, aiming to examine students’ learning in terms of learning effectiveness, preparation for mobile-based APP learning, foreign language learning anxiety, and self-regulated learning.This study uses an experimental research method, taking G3 students from an elementary school in Northern Taiwan as the research object, and randomly assigning two classes, namely the experimental group (20 students) and the control group (27 students), with a total of 47 students. The experimental group used an (AI) image-recognition translation system while the control group used the optical character translation system for English vocabulary learning. Result showed that 1. students learnt with image-recognition translation system had a significant effect on English vocabulary learning than those learnt with the optical character translation system; 2. Two groups of students adopted self-regulated learning strategies for English vocabulary learning, and it is evidenced that self-regulated support students in learning English vocabulary; 3. both groups did not increase learning anxiety although no significant difference was found; 4. Based on the analysis of learning behavior, it is found the use of AI image-recognition translation system is helpful to trigger students' interactive behaviors (peer discussion and sharing) in comparison to the use of the optical character translation system. It is anticipated that the findings provide beneficial teaching practices for those of elementary English-language teachers who is intended to incorporate AI supported APP learning into classrooms.



AI影像辨識, 自我調節學習, 情境式學習, 外語學習焦慮, 行動學習, AI image-recognition, self-regulated learning, situated learning, foreign language learning anxiety, mobile learning





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