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本研究探討城鄉地區不同家庭背景之國二學生的課外科學知識成就表現,以及其非正式學習管道與課外科學知識成就的關係。以臺北縣與桃園縣國二學生為研究母群體,採分層隨機抽樣,有效樣本720人。研究工具為「課外科學知識測驗卷」與「非正式學習管道問卷」,課外科學知識測驗卷共35題,由TIMSS 2003國中二年級已公佈之科學試題發展而成,其信度Cronbach,s α為.84;非正式學習管道問卷經由訪談學生與收集文獻資料後設計而成,重測信度為.80;資料以描述性統計、相關分析、衛氏-曼-惠特尼考驗、獨立樣本t檢定及多元逐步迴歸分析之。研究結果發現:1)城市地區學生的課外科學知識成就顯著高於偏遠地區學校同年級的學生(P<.05);2)父母親教育程度與課外科學知識成就有顯著正相關(r=.28~.34,P<.05);3)閱讀相關管道對學生的課外科學知識成就有益處,城市地區學生的課外科學知識成就與「閱讀自然科學類課外讀物、報章雜誌」及「看小說」正相關(r=.12~.35,P<.05),且城市地區與偏遠地區學生之課外科學知識成就都與「閱讀休閒書籍及非科學類的雜誌」正相關(r=.15,P<.05);4)「打電動」及「上網聊天」對課外科學知識成就沒有幫助,與城市地區及偏遠地區學生之課外科學知識成就呈顯著負相關(r=-.29~-.32,P<.05);5)選擇性的看電視對課外科學知識成就有幫助,「觀看自然科學相關的電視頻道」與城市地區學生之課外科學知識成就呈顯著正相關(r=.23,P<.05),與「看電視」(綜藝節目、卡通及體育台等)呈顯著負相關(r=-.11,P<.05)。本研究建議:1)老師與父母應注意培養學生的閱讀能力;2)父母應留意學生使用電腦網路的內容,減少他們上網聊天與打電動的時間;3)父母應替學生慎選電視節目。
Investigated were the relationships between informal science learning and science achievements of the 8th grade students from urban and rural areas. There were 720 students randomly selected from the 8th grade students of Taipei County and Taoyuan County. The science achievement test was constructed from the released TIMSS 2003 test items. The test included 35 items of which 21 items were not covered by science curriculum before the test given. The other 14 items’ content had been covered by the science curriculum, but over 50% of students indicated that they had not been taught in class. However, over 50% ofstudents answered those 14 items correctly. The reliability (Cronbach’s α) was .84. The questionnaire of informal science learning was constructed from the interview of the students and the research finding. The test-retest reliability was .84. Data were analyzed through frequencies, correlations, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, two independent sample t-test, and stepwise multiple regression. Results indicated that:1)the science achievement of students from the urban area were significantly higher than those from the rural area (P<.05); 2)science achievement were significantly correlated to parents’ education (r=.28~.34, p<.05); 3)reading the scientific books, magazines, and novels were significantly correlated to students’ science achievement of the urban area (r=.12~.35, p<.05), and reading the non-scientific books and magazines were significantly correlated to science achievement of the students both urban and rural area (r=.15, p<.05) ; 4)playing electronic game and chatting on the net were negatively correlated to students’ science achievements both the urban and rural area (r=-.29~-.32 , p<.05); 5)urban schools’ science achievement were positively correlated to watching the scientific TV channels (r=.23, p<.05), and negatively correlated to variety shows, cartoons, or sports channels (r=-.11, p<.05). Recommendations were as following: 1)teachers and parents should pay more attention to prepare students’ reading ability; 2)parents should be more aware of their children when they were on the computer or internet, and should limit their time of playing electronic game and chatting on the net; 3)parents should choose TV channels carefully for their kids.
Investigated were the relationships between informal science learning and science achievements of the 8th grade students from urban and rural areas. There were 720 students randomly selected from the 8th grade students of Taipei County and Taoyuan County. The science achievement test was constructed from the released TIMSS 2003 test items. The test included 35 items of which 21 items were not covered by science curriculum before the test given. The other 14 items’ content had been covered by the science curriculum, but over 50% of students indicated that they had not been taught in class. However, over 50% ofstudents answered those 14 items correctly. The reliability (Cronbach’s α) was .84. The questionnaire of informal science learning was constructed from the interview of the students and the research finding. The test-retest reliability was .84. Data were analyzed through frequencies, correlations, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, two independent sample t-test, and stepwise multiple regression. Results indicated that:1)the science achievement of students from the urban area were significantly higher than those from the rural area (P<.05); 2)science achievement were significantly correlated to parents’ education (r=.28~.34, p<.05); 3)reading the scientific books, magazines, and novels were significantly correlated to students’ science achievement of the urban area (r=.12~.35, p<.05), and reading the non-scientific books and magazines were significantly correlated to science achievement of the students both urban and rural area (r=.15, p<.05) ; 4)playing electronic game and chatting on the net were negatively correlated to students’ science achievements both the urban and rural area (r=-.29~-.32 , p<.05); 5)urban schools’ science achievement were positively correlated to watching the scientific TV channels (r=.23, p<.05), and negatively correlated to variety shows, cartoons, or sports channels (r=-.11, p<.05). Recommendations were as following: 1)teachers and parents should pay more attention to prepare students’ reading ability; 2)parents should be more aware of their children when they were on the computer or internet, and should limit their time of playing electronic game and chatting on the net; 3)parents should choose TV channels carefully for their kids.
非正式學習管道, 課外科學知識成就