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近代歐洲文明進步的發展,「啟蒙」(Enlightenment)精神是重要的關鍵,而十八世紀中葉的德國青年作家,承襲啟蒙之精神發起「狂飆」(Sturm und Drang)文學運動,利用青年的熱情與勇氣,展現自我與創意,對於西方文化的發展,更產生了深遠的影響。本文試圖從許常惠早期(1954-1974)文字論著、音樂創作與個人作為,佐以藝文界、社會大眾與許常惠之間的辯證與互動,闡明「啟蒙」與「狂飆」精神並行於許常惠思想之情況,並希冀以許常惠早期音樂思想做為1960年代臺灣音樂思潮研究的一部份,提供未來研究之基礎。 本論文共分五章,在引論一章先簡述「啟蒙」與「狂飆」在許常惠早期思想上的對照,並說明「狂飆」與「啟蒙」精神同時並存與互為相消長的關係;之後為「研究動機與目的」、「研究回顧與問題」、「研究範圍」、「研究方法與架構」。第二章〈走向音樂學之路〉探討許常惠音樂學之開端與發展,以及早期論著的中國情懷與臺灣意識之成因。第三章〈音樂創作觀的蘊育與發微〉則從許常惠於巴黎留學時期所聆賞音樂會之感想與音樂創作的開端,歸納出之後許常惠啟蒙臺灣現代音樂創作之方向,以三個觀點陳述許常惠音樂創作理念上之演變,並對照1960-1975年間臺灣現代音樂創作之代表作品,說明許常惠「啟蒙」與「狂飆」精神產生之作用。第四章〈音樂的內省與批判〉分為音樂會評論、社會音樂評論、論音樂與其他藝術三小節,分述許常惠音樂評論文章脈絡,並從中探求其美學觀點以及對於臺灣音樂環境之關懷。最後的結論為研究成果總述,透過本論文的分析與歸納,論證許常惠早期思想中「啟蒙」與「狂飆」精神的重要性,並兼論它對於臺灣文化發展歷程中曾產生的重要影響。
When it comes to the cultural achievement in modern Europe, the “Enlightenment” is the crucial spirit. When this spirit was spread to Deutschland in the mid 18th century, young writers in Deutschland used it to express their passion, courage, and creativity. The purpose of these writers was to change the disappointing status quo. Comparing the “Enlightenment ” and the “Sturm und Drang” spirit with Hsu Tseng-Hui’s early thought and behavior, this thesis will aim to prove that these two spirits coexisted in Hsu Tseng-Hui’s thoughts in the period from 1954 to 1974, and how Hsu Tseng-Hui influenced the music development in Taiwan. The purpose of this thesis is to lay the groundwork for further studies on the music trends in Taiwan during the 1960’s. There are five chapters in this thesis. The first chapter introduces that how “Enlightenment ” and “Sturm und Drang” presented in Hsu Tseng Hui’s thought and behavior. Otherwise, the research method and thesis structure are also shown in this chapter. The second chapter portrays how Hsu Tseng-Hui embarked upon the study of musicology and his Taiwan and China consciousness. The third chapter shows his composition idea and how he inspired Taiwan modern music composition. The following chapter analyzes his music critic articles, including concert review, social music review, and review on music and other forms of art. The final conclusion chapter sums up results of each chapter and restates that Hsu Tseng-Hui played an important role in Taiwan music and culture development.



許常惠, 啟蒙, 狂飆, 音樂學, 音樂創作, 音樂評論, Hsu, Tseng-Hui, Enlightenment, Sturm und Drang, Musicology, Composition, Music Critic

