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  有鑑於當前學生閱讀能力的提升須持續探究、閱讀教學的迷思與策略有待釐清與教師專業成長的勢在必行等研究動機,本研究透過交互對話的閱讀行動來謀求改善的可行性。研究目的旨在探討運用交互教學法融入閱讀教學的實施過程中,國中學生對於預測、澄清、提問與摘要四項閱讀理解策略的運用情形與學習態度,進而探究交互教學法對於提升國中學生閱讀理解能力之效應。 基於上述,本研究採行動研究法進行,以研究者任職學校七年A班24名國中七年級學生作為研究對象,利用每週一堂的閱讀課進行,教學時程為期八週。本研究關於行動成效的評估力求周延,主要透過教學觀察、省思札記、訪談紀錄與學習文件等方式進行資料蒐集,進而再根據所蒐集的資料進行整理、歸納與分析。據此,本研究所得到的研究結果如下: 壹、教師運用交互教學法融入閱讀教學時,課程方案規劃可採兩階段方式循序漸進;閱讀文本選擇力求符合學生學習需求;閱讀策略指導則依學生狀況彈性調整;教學情境安排則致力於討論氛圍的營造。 貳、交互教學法融入閱讀教學後,學生閱讀策略的運用因反覆練習而熟能生巧;學生對閱讀策略的態度持正向評價並肯定其實用性;閱讀過程運用四項閱讀策略,有助於提升學生文本理解與深度理解能力。 參、運用交互教學法融入閱讀教學,教師在實施過程可能遭逢各種難題與限制,藉由困境因應之道的思索過程,教師可從設法調整教學與力求突破的行動省思中,進而促進個人的專業成長。 本研究根據上述研究結論,對教師及未來研究提出相關建議。
This study was conducted due to the fact that students’ reading ability needed to be enquired continuously, the need of clarifying the myth of reading teaching and strategies, and the necessity of enhancing teachers’ profession. It aims to find the possibility of improvement through reciprocal reading action. Its objectives were to apply reciprocal teaching to the process of reading teaching to investigate junior high school students’ learning attitudes of predicting, clarifying, questioning, and the summarizing items of the reading strategies, and to explore the effects on junior high school students’ reading comprehension after the implementation. Based on the above, action research was applied in this study. Twenty-four seven grade students in the school that the researcher served at were adopted in the research, and it proceeded for eight weeks in the reading class once a week. The research tried to evaluate the effects carefully; data were collected through observation, reflection journals, interviews, and document analysis. Then analyzed and summarized results were to get the conclusion. The main findings included: 1. When conducting reciprocal teaching, program project planning may adopt a gradual two-step process through the improvement. Reading text selection strives to match students’ learning requirement. Reading strategy guidance could be adjusted according to students’ condition. Teaching environment was dedicated to build for a discussion atmosphere. 2. After the implementation of reciprocal reading teaching, the performance of students in reading comprehension strategies progressed continuously due to repeating practices. Students held a positive attitude toward reading comprehension strategies for its usefulness. Reading process used 4 reading strategies that helped improving students’ ability to comprehend. 3. The implement of reciprocal reading teaching might have its difficulties and limits; however, through the process of speculating solutions and adjustments, teachers may make efforts on teaching adjustments and breakthroughs, which helped the enhancement of teachers’ profession. Based on these findings, this study will provide some suggestions for Chinese teachers and advanced studies.



交互教學法, 閱讀理解, 閱讀理解策略, reciprocal teaching, reading comprehension, reading comprehension strategies





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