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摘 要 本研究旨在瞭解台北縣國民小學推動學校社區化之現況,為達成研究目的,採用文獻分析及研究者自編「台北縣國民小學推動學校社區化調查問卷」為研究工具,實施問卷調查。 本研究抽樣採分層隨機抽樣,抽取台北縣75所國民小學為樣本學校,共發出658份問卷,回收樣本572份,有效樣本558份。經統計分析資料,其結論如下: 一、 台北縣國民小學教育工作人員所知覺的推動學校社區化現況大致良好。 二、 不同人口背景變項的教育人員在推動學校社區化現況,在性別、學歷方面無顯著差異。 三、 不同人口背景變項的教育人員在推動學校社區化現況,在年齡、服務年資與現任職務方面均呈現顯著差異: (一)就年齡與服務年資而言,資深之教師在推動學校社區化五個向度均高於資淺之年輕教師。 (二)就職務而言,不同職務之學校教育人員在推動學校社區化知覺情況,達顯著水準,以校長組為最佳,依次為主任、組長、教師。 四、 不同學校環境變項(學校規模、學校區域)所知覺的推動學校社區化現況,均達到顯著水準,其中尤以偏遠小學推動學校社區化最佳。 五、 就推動學校社區化的策略向度而言,學校公共關係及資源整合運用方面最受肯定,在服務學習與社區教育推廣方面則尚待加強。 根據研究結論,研究者提出如下建議: 一、 對教育行政機關的建議 (一) 學校社區化法制明確化,落實學校社區化之實踐 (二) 舉辦有關推動學校社區化之研討會活動,增進專業知能。 二、 對國民小學的建議 (一) 教師兼任行政職務制度化,鼓勵教師參與社區化教育活動。 (二)推動學校社區化各項策略,應先凝聚共識,並適度行銷。 (三)學校鄉土教學課程之實施,應建立檢核機制,提升教學效果。 (四)鼓勵家長參與家長會及學校義工,協助推動學校社區化。 (五)校長及教育同仁應經常參與社區活動,以爭取社區支持與認同。 關鍵詞: 國民小學 、 學校社區化
The research of Taipei County Elementary School-community liaison By Rong- Shu, Li Abstract This research is aimed to understand the current situation of “Taipei County elementary school-community liaison” .In order to achieve the above-mentioned purpose, a questionnaire on “how the educators in Taipei county elementary schools carry out “school community liaison”, which was designed by the researcher is to be the major research instrument. Data Analysis is also included. This research was analyzed by delegation random sampling; seventy five elementary schools in Taipei County were randomly picked. 658 questionnaires were released and 572 of them were responded, including 558 effective samples. After statistical analysis, conclusion and suggestions are proposed as the following: 1. The educators of Taipei county elementary schools consider that the promotion of school community liaison is well. 2. Gender and education background of the educators make no much difference in the effects of promoting the school community liaison. 3. The different age, seniority, degree, and position of the educators contribute to make significant differences in the effects of promoting the school community liaison. (1) Regarding the ages and seniority, senior teachers revealed better performance on five aspects than junior peers. (2) Regarding the position difference, school principals achieved the highest effects on promoting the perceived school community liaison, prior to the administrative leaders, staff, and to teachers. 4. Different types and sizes of schools also contribute to make significant differences. Remote, small-sized schools made the best performance promoting the school community liaison. 5. In term of strategies, school public relation and resource integration were highly praised. Service learning and community education need improvement. According to the conclusion, several suggestions were proposed for educational authorities, elementary schools, and for further studies: 1. To administrative authority: (1) To put the policy of Legitimate school community liaison into real practice. (2)Workshops or activities should be held regularly to promote the related expertise. 2. To elementary schools: (1)Systemized job function of the administrative teachers; encourage teachers to participate community education activities. (2)Develop all kinds of policies and strategies for school community liaison, reach agreements and engage proper marketing. (3)Set up examining mechanism for school folk culture teaching to facilitate teaching effects. (4)Encourage parents to participate in parent association and school volunteer organization to help promote school community liaison. (5) Principals and educational staff should participate community activities to earn more support and recognition. Keywords: elementary schools; school- community liaison



國民小學, 學校社區化, elementary schools, school-community liaison





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