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本研究目的為發展與探討學前幼兒同理心量表 EmQue中文版之信效度,該量表是以三個分量表組合而成,包含:情緒感染(Emotion Contagion)、注意他人感覺(Attention to Other’s Feelings)與利社會行動(Prosocial Actions)三個向度共16題。本研究是以方便取樣選取220位3歲到6歲之學前幼兒作為研究對象,將研究資料分別透過預試項目分析、因素分析與信度分析等來建立出研究結果。
在信度部分,台灣學前幼兒同理心量表EmQue各分量表內部一致性Cronbach’s α值分別介於.71~.8間,台灣學前幼兒同理心量表EmQue總量表Cronbach’s α值為.81,顯示有好的穩定度與再現性,具有良好信度。在效度主成份分析部分,台灣學前幼兒同理心EmQue量表題目的因素負荷量(factor loading)都達.3以上,三個量表因素可解釋總變異量為52.63%;在同時效度檢驗所選用SDQ困難與長處量表利他分量表與學前幼兒同理心量表EmQue具有顯著正相關(r=.54, p=.00),上述效度檢驗結果顯示台灣學前幼兒同理心量表 EmQue符合良好的建構效度水準。
本研究相關背景變項研究顯示台灣學前幼兒在同理心情緒感染(Emotion Contagion)表現上具有顯著的男女表現差異,女生的情緒感染表現多於男生。在與年齡相關的研究上,雖未找到顯著相關的研究支持證據,但發現台灣學前幼兒在同理心量表中的情緒感染向度上有負相關的傾向,會有負相關傾向的原因可能為幼兒的情緒調節能力會隨年齡成長有關,建議未來可再進一步探究。
The aim of this study is to develop the Chinese version of the Empathy Questionnaire (EmQue-T16) and conduct a reliability and validity test on this questionnaire. Data were collected from a sample of 220 preschool children aged 3 to 6 years (M = 4.8) and analyzed by reliability test and validity test. First, the results of factor analysis showed that the EmQue-T16 was three-factor construct and had good construct validity. The EmQue-T16 consist of three subscale labeled : Emotional Contagion, Attention to Other’s Feelings and Prosocial Action. The construct reliability of the subscales ranged from .71 ~.8. Exploratory factor analysis extracted 3 components and the percentage of the total variance explained was 52.63%, and factor loading for all items of EmQue-T16 from .31 to .88. Second, a statistically significant difference in the emotional contagion between girls and boys was found. The girls scored higher than boys in emotional contagion. Negative correlation was found between emotional contagion and age (r = -.1, p = ns). With acceptable psychometric quality, the Chinese version of the Empathy Questionnaire (EmQue-T16) could be used to assess the empathy of Taiwanese preschool children.
The aim of this study is to develop the Chinese version of the Empathy Questionnaire (EmQue-T16) and conduct a reliability and validity test on this questionnaire. Data were collected from a sample of 220 preschool children aged 3 to 6 years (M = 4.8) and analyzed by reliability test and validity test. First, the results of factor analysis showed that the EmQue-T16 was three-factor construct and had good construct validity. The EmQue-T16 consist of three subscale labeled : Emotional Contagion, Attention to Other’s Feelings and Prosocial Action. The construct reliability of the subscales ranged from .71 ~.8. Exploratory factor analysis extracted 3 components and the percentage of the total variance explained was 52.63%, and factor loading for all items of EmQue-T16 from .31 to .88. Second, a statistically significant difference in the emotional contagion between girls and boys was found. The girls scored higher than boys in emotional contagion. Negative correlation was found between emotional contagion and age (r = -.1, p = ns). With acceptable psychometric quality, the Chinese version of the Empathy Questionnaire (EmQue-T16) could be used to assess the empathy of Taiwanese preschool children.
同理心, 學前幼兒, empathy, preschool children