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鄉鎮教育、文化等資源均不及都會地區,一座績優鄉鎮圖書館對於社區整體發展,實有舉足輕重的地位。許多鄉鎮圖書館囿於有限人力與經費預算下,辦理推廣服務活動經常有力不從心,但仍有一些圖書館館長兢兢業業,藉由創新經營,結合社區資源與圖書館行銷,讓圖書館發光、發熱,為社區灑下文化種子。本論文旨在瞭解鄉鎮圖書館館長經營管理之具體成效,以石岡鄉圖書館退休館長為個案,探究其經營管理之理念、創新經營方法,以及結合社區資源與行銷圖書館之經驗,以供鄉鎮圖書館未來經營之參考。 本研究採敘說研究取向的生命史研究與文獻分析法,藉由深度訪談的生命史研究,並整理相關文獻加以闡述,對研究個案進行分析與討論。本研究的結論如下: 一、由家庭成長背景、求學及工作經驗來看,個案選擇公職與返鄉接掌圖書館主要關鍵因素,在於家人期許、學校養成教育的薰陶,以及鄉鎮首長重視圖書館使然。且家庭氛圍形塑下的人格特質與個案的新聞專業,有助於圖書館經營及行銷。 二、個案基於文化國理念,獨創圖書館「鄉下型態的推廣活動」,舉凡民間文學與歷史文物的蒐集,以及藝文活動,讓圖書館成為地方文化中心。從其經驗中,得知其成功策略在於結合社區資源、圖書館行銷,並以細水長流精神,克服鄉鎮圖書館人力不足、經費預算有限等難題。此外,分析有利於館長經營管理之內、外在條件,發現重要他人、「復古、懷舊風潮與結合社區資源的推波助瀾」及「人是主要關鍵」三項條件,得以讓圖書館「兼具創意經營、成果、行銷」的推廣服務,在天時、地利、人和得以配合的條件下乘勢而起,達到「滾雪球」效應。 三、石岡鄉圖書館名列全國七大績優圖書館之一,個案任內更榮獲「台灣省模範公務員」(1997)、「公務人員傑出貢獻獎」(2001),卻於2002年提前退休。究其主因有四: (1)九二一震災的震撼,(2)圖館館改隸文化體系的衝擊,(3)公務體系的「行政妨害」,(4)與地方政治人士理念不合。其次,個案為久任的績優館長,不僅未升遷,且以館長退休,反映鄉鎮圖書館升遷管道不足。退休後,個案以社區文化協會成員持續關注社區營造與生態保育,為家鄉永續發展盡力而為。 最後,根據研究結果,提出下列八項建議: 一、改革鄉鎮(公共)圖書館體制與編制。 二、規劃鄉鎮圖書館合理員額,充實專業知能。 三、有效擴展鄉鎮圖書館經費來源。 四、鄉鎮圖書館應有效發掘社區資源並尋求合作。 五、現職績優鄉鎮圖書館館員應有順暢的升遷管道,以廣納人才。 六、落實<公共圖書館設立及營運基準>的實行。 七、將鄉鎮圖書館經營成功案例融入圖書資訊教材。 八、加強圖書館經營管理多元課程專題研究。
Rural towns share less educational and cultural resources than urban areas, so an outstanding rural library plays a pivotal role in the overall development of community. Many rural libraries frequently struggle under restricted manpower and budget when conducting promotional activities and service, but there are still several chief librarians endeavor on their positions, and make the libraries not only spread light and heat on the location but also spread the seeds of continual growing of culture for the community . The subject of this dissertation is to explore the specific effectiveness and management of a chief librarian in the rural library. Meanwhile, the story of a retired chief librarian in Shihkang District Library is adopted for case study, for the purposes of understanding his ideas in operation, creative management manners, andthe experience of combining community resources with the promotion of the library, which can be a precious model for reference in the future. Methodology in this research includes research-oriented life-history study and documentary analysis method. Analysis and discussion are conducted through the study case by means of in-depth interview in life-history study as well as organization and elaboration of relative documentation. In a word, the purpose of this research includes the following three points: 1. The key factors make the research object choose public service and in charge of the library lie in expectation of family members, cultivation of school education, and also high respect given by town officers. In addition, the characters shaped by domestic atmosphere and professional background in journalism also helped the research object to carry out the management and marketing of the library. 2. Based on the idea of cultural country, the research object originally created the “rural-type promotional activities,” such as the collection of folk literature and historical relics as well as the popular activities which make the library become the cultural center locally. From his experience, the successful strategies lie in combination of community resources, library marketing and long-lasting persistence to overcome the shortage of manpower and budget in the rural library. Based on analysis of his internal and external conditions in his management, it is found that “finding someone important,” “trend of nostalgia and combination of community resources,” and “man is the Ⅲ most critical pivot” are the three conditions that enable libraries to promote service with creative management, achievements and marketing, which came together with perfect time, adequate place and enthusiastic supporters to achieve the effect of “rolling snowball.” 3. Shihkang District Library was one of the seven outstanding libraries in the whole country. The research object was awarded “Model Public Official of Taiwan (1997)”and “Outstanding Contribution Award for Public Official (2001),”in his term of service. Nevertheless, he retired in 2002 ahead of time, which was caused by four reasons: (1) the shock of disaster in 921 Earthquake, (2) the impact came after library became a part of cultural system, (3) administration interference made by official system, and (4) the disagreement with local politicians. In addition, the research object worked as long-term excellent chief librarian, but not be promoted, which reflects the lack of career promotional path in the rural library. After the retirement, the research object still did his best to continually concern community construction and ecological preservation for his hometown as a member of community cultural committee. At last, according to the results of this research, eight suggestions are provided below: 1. Reform the system and organization of rural (public) libraries. 2. Plan reasonable manpower of rural libraries and develop professional knowledge and abilities of librarians. 3. Expend the source of funds for rural library effectively. 4. Rural libraries have to explore and seek for the cooperation with community resources. 5. Provide current excellent rural librarians with smooth career promotional path, and then recruit adequate newcomers. 6. Implement “Principle for the Establishment and Operation of Public Libraries” precisely. 7. Put the successful cases of rural library management in library information materials. 8. Reinforce the research of multi-courses of library management.



鄉鎮圖書館, 生命史, 圖書館館員, 鄉下型態經營法, 社區資源, 圖書館行銷, rural library, life history, librarian, rural-type management, community resource, library marketing





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