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摘要 本研究主旨在了解台北市高中生的生命意義感、死亡態度與自我傷害的現況與關係。本研究以台北市7所高中802名學生為研究對象,以自評式問卷進行資料收集。以t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Person積差相關、典型相關、迴歸分析處理之後,可得以下重要結論: 一、整體而言,台北市高中生所感受到的生命意義感屬中上程度;對死亡抱持著較為坦然接受的態度;自我傷害情形在中等以下,高頻率的自我傷害行為不算太嚴重,而曾經有過自我傷害的想法與曾經想過自我傷害的方法都已經超過半數。 二、台北市高中生的生命意義感、死亡態度與自傷行為隨著年齡、性別、宗教信仰、家中論死亡的情形、學業成就、健康狀況、家庭氣氛與人際關係的不同而有所差異。 三、在生命意義感與死亡態度的關係方面: 1.當個人所感受到的「存在挫折」越高,「逃離導向的死亡接受」也越高;反之,當個人「求意義的意志」越高、「生命目的」、「生命控制」的感受越強,其「逃離導向的死亡接受」越低。 2.個體「求意義的意志」、「生命控制」、「苦難接納」越高,其所感受到的「死亡恐懼」、「死亡逃避」、「中性接受」也越高。 3.個體「生命目的」、「苦難接納」越高,其所感受到的「死亡恐懼」越低、「趨近導向的死亡接受」越高,但也伴隨著較高的「逃離導向的死亡接受」。 四、在生命意義感中無法單獨解釋「求意義的意志」、「生命目的」、「苦難接納」對自我傷害的影響,其中主要而明顯的關鍵變項是「存在挫折」與「生命控制」。其中「存在挫折」越高,自傷行為也越高,而「生命控制」越高,自傷行為則越低。 五、在死亡態度中,無法單獨解釋「死亡逃避」對自我傷害的影響。而「死亡恐懼」、「逃離導向的死亡接受」越高,自我傷害也越高;「趨近導向的死亡接受」越高,則自我傷害越低。 最後針對本研究結果,提出後續研究可努力的方向,與教育介入之建議。 關鍵字:生命意義感、死亡態度、自我傷害
The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship among the Meaning of Life , Death Attitude and Self–injury of senior high school students in Taipei. The data was collected by self-administered questionnaires from 802 students of 7 senior high schools in Taipei, and analyzed using SPSS 12.0 for t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, canonical correlation and multiple regression. The main findings of this study are as follows. 1.On the whole, the Meaning of Life of senior high school students is above the average, and they accept death peacefully , and the high frequency of Self–injury is not so serious. But the percentages of the thought of Self–injury and the thought of ways of Self–injury are more than 50%. 2.There are significant differences in the correlation among the Meaning of Life, Death Attitude and Self–injury of the senior high school students in Taipei in age , gender , religious belief , talking about death home, academic achievements , health status , family relationships and interpersonal relationship . 3.The relationship between the Meaning of Life and Death Attitude: (1)The higher existential frustration a person feels, the higher escape acceptance he/she feels. On the contrary, if a person has stronger the will to meaning , greater life purposes and life control , than he/she has lower escape acceptance. (2)higher the will to meaning, life control and suffering acceptance come higher fear of death, death avoidance and neutral acceptance. (3)higher life purpose and suffering acceptance come lower fear of death and higher approaching acceptance and escape acceptance. 4.In the Meaning of Life ,we can not explain the impact of the will to meaning , life purpose and suffering acceptance to Self–injury independently. The main and minority variables are existential frustration and life control. Higher existential frustration comes higher Self–injury. Higher life control comes lower Self–injury. 5.In the Death Attitude, we can not explain the impact of Death Avoidance to Self–injury independently. Higher fear of death and escape acceptance come higher Self–injury. Higher approaching acceptance comes lower Self–injury. Based on these findings, I make suggestions for future research and educational intervention. Key words:Meaning of Life , Death Attitude, Self–injury



生命意義感, 死亡態度, 自我傷害, Meaning of Life, Death Attitude, Self–injury





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