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Department of Geography, NTNU
Department of Geography, NTNU
本文旨在驗證海岸型遊客之遊憩體驗滿意度與忠誠度之因果關係研究,首先依據文獻回顧建立觀念性架構,其次以問卷方式調查東北角海岸風景特定區內2,185名遊客之遊憩體驗,再以線性結構方程模型(LISREL model)探討構成遊客遊憩體驗滿意度之影響因素,以及遊客滿意度與忠誠度二者之間係,以建構遊客之遊憩體驗的因果模式,同時亦探討季節因素、旅遊次數與旅遊停留時間等變數對因果模式之調節效應。研究結果顯示:自然景觀、遊憩活動與服務設施等滿意度是影響其整體遊憩滿意度之決定因素,其中以服務設施滿意度的影響為最大,其次為自然景觀與遊憩活動等項目之滿意度,而遊客之整體遊憩滿意度會進而影響其重遊意願;另外,遊客之旅遊次數與停留時間均對遊憩體驗的因果模式發生調節作用,然而季節因素並未對因果模式發生影響,進一步探討因為季節性所造成的活動擁擠感,結果發現遊客所感受的擁擠感受才是真正影響重遊意願的另一調節變項。本研究結果將能提供主管機關作為服務改善策略或品質提昇方案之參考。
The main purpose of this study was to understand the coastal visitors' recreation experience and explore the causal relationship between visitor's recreation satisfaction and loyalty. The first step was to establish conceptual model based on literature review. The next step was to examine the causal effect and hypotheses of conceptual model with linear structural relation model. The subjects were aim on 2,185 visitors on the Northeast Coast National Scenic Area with questionnaires. In the meantime, to explore the three moderators: "season factor", "visitors' visiting frequencies" and "visitors' visiting hours" to interfere the effect of casual model. The study found out that several factors including "natural landscape", "recreation activities" and "services facilities" influenced visitors' recreation satisfaction significantly. The results indicated that the most factor are services facilities. Visitor's satisfaction in turn had a remarkable influence on the loyalty. The "visitors' visiting frequencies" and "visitors' visiting hours" brought into conditional relationship in casual model. As the emergence of crowding play an important role on affecting visitors' loyalty. This study validated a causal model of recreation experiecne, and also provided quality strategies for the administration.
The main purpose of this study was to understand the coastal visitors' recreation experience and explore the causal relationship between visitor's recreation satisfaction and loyalty. The first step was to establish conceptual model based on literature review. The next step was to examine the causal effect and hypotheses of conceptual model with linear structural relation model. The subjects were aim on 2,185 visitors on the Northeast Coast National Scenic Area with questionnaires. In the meantime, to explore the three moderators: "season factor", "visitors' visiting frequencies" and "visitors' visiting hours" to interfere the effect of casual model. The study found out that several factors including "natural landscape", "recreation activities" and "services facilities" influenced visitors' recreation satisfaction significantly. The results indicated that the most factor are services facilities. Visitor's satisfaction in turn had a remarkable influence on the loyalty. The "visitors' visiting frequencies" and "visitors' visiting hours" brought into conditional relationship in casual model. As the emergence of crowding play an important role on affecting visitors' loyalty. This study validated a causal model of recreation experiecne, and also provided quality strategies for the administration.