本研究採用問卷調查法為主,以自編的「完全中學學校氣氛與學校效能問卷」為工具,台北縣13所完全中學教師做為研究對象,進行13所完全中學之問卷分層隨機抽樣調查,依據母群體分層隨機抽樣19﹪之比例,總計發出473份問卷,收回341份,可用卷335份,回收率72.1 ﹪,可用率為70.8﹪,依據問卷調查所得資料,以SPSS套裝軟體進行資料處理。本研究採取單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)、t測驗、皮爾森積差相關(Pearson product moment correlation analysis) 與多元迴歸分析(multiple regression analysis),最後根據統計資料,參考有關文獻做成結論與建議。
對學校行政單位的建議:(一) 訂定明確的學校教育目標,共構個人與組織的願景。(二)營造學習型學校,強化組織創新和成長的動力。(三)修練學校領導者第五級領導的特質,展現以執行力為核心的校園文化。(四)學校領導者應學習跨越自我模式,建立亂中有序、獨特創新的校園文化。(五)建構高效能團隊,蘊育從優秀擢昇到卓越的恆常法則。(六)學校應加強建立危機意識,以適應組織再造變革之需。(七)建立學校全面性的長期評鑑制度,落實學校績效責任制。(八)結合家長與社區教育資源,注入學校組織再造動力。
This research intends to explore the relationship between school climate and school effectiveness in All-through Secondary School of Taipei County in Taiwan. It aims to analyze the diversification of school climate and of effectiveness on the basis of personnel background and environments in the All-through Secondary School, and furthermore, to discuss the predictability of school climate to school effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to provide suggestions of improving school climate and school effectiveness in All-through Secondary School. The methods of literature review and questionnaire were adopted. A questionnaire on school climate and school effectiveness in All-through Secondary School was designed and conducted. There were 335 usable responses 70.8% rated as acceptable samples from the 473 target members in the 13 All-through Secondary School of Taipei County in Taiwan. Statistical analyses of t test, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation, multiple regression analysis were applied to data analysis and research hypothesis testing. The following suggestions were made for references to the government and schools, and further studies as well. 1. For the government administration: (1) To make clear the educational policy and educational objective. (2) To promote the quality and quantity of consultation and discussion. (3) To give full respect to the administration of individual school. 2. For the schools administration: (1) To make definite school educational objective. (2) To construct learning organization. (3) To drill the school’s leader in the characteristic of level 5 leadership. (4) The school’s leader should build up orderly and distinctive campus culture. (5) To establish high-effect school administration team. (6) The school authorities should establish the crisis consciousness. (7) To establish long-term comprehensive evaluation system. (8) To combine educational resources from families and community. 3. For future further studies, special attention should be paid to: (1) To adopt case study and interview as research method. (2) The object of further study should include national, county, and private All-through Secondary Schools. (3) The contents of further study should include:a. How to make the school climate harmonious? b. To proceed individual analyses on the bases of different personnel backgrounds and environments. c. To take one step ahead seeking the factors that affects the school effectiveness. d. To design more suitable index as calculating base.
This research intends to explore the relationship between school climate and school effectiveness in All-through Secondary School of Taipei County in Taiwan. It aims to analyze the diversification of school climate and of effectiveness on the basis of personnel background and environments in the All-through Secondary School, and furthermore, to discuss the predictability of school climate to school effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to provide suggestions of improving school climate and school effectiveness in All-through Secondary School. The methods of literature review and questionnaire were adopted. A questionnaire on school climate and school effectiveness in All-through Secondary School was designed and conducted. There were 335 usable responses 70.8% rated as acceptable samples from the 473 target members in the 13 All-through Secondary School of Taipei County in Taiwan. Statistical analyses of t test, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation, multiple regression analysis were applied to data analysis and research hypothesis testing. The following suggestions were made for references to the government and schools, and further studies as well. 1. For the government administration: (1) To make clear the educational policy and educational objective. (2) To promote the quality and quantity of consultation and discussion. (3) To give full respect to the administration of individual school. 2. For the schools administration: (1) To make definite school educational objective. (2) To construct learning organization. (3) To drill the school’s leader in the characteristic of level 5 leadership. (4) The school’s leader should build up orderly and distinctive campus culture. (5) To establish high-effect school administration team. (6) The school authorities should establish the crisis consciousness. (7) To establish long-term comprehensive evaluation system. (8) To combine educational resources from families and community. 3. For future further studies, special attention should be paid to: (1) To adopt case study and interview as research method. (2) The object of further study should include national, county, and private All-through Secondary Schools. (3) The contents of further study should include:a. How to make the school climate harmonious? b. To proceed individual analyses on the bases of different personnel backgrounds and environments. c. To take one step ahead seeking the factors that affects the school effectiveness. d. To design more suitable index as calculating base.
完全中學, 學校氣氛, 學校效能, complete high schools, school climate, school effectiveness