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妖怪是伴隨著人類發展的產物,當先民在面對現實環境所帶來的恐懼與不安時,妖怪扮演著解惑、釋疑與訓誡的角色,且透過世代的傳承,同樣也深深影響著的人們。妖怪屬於民俗學的一環,近年來,妖怪題材在各個領域逐漸受到關注,隨著話題的氾濫與外來文化的衝擊,人們開始追尋屬於臺灣自己的妖怪。但大眾對於民俗文化大多停留在負面的印象,對於臺灣本土的妖怪也十分陌生,在誤解或是誤用的情況下,可能會對臺灣民俗造成更深的傷害。有鑑於此,本研究藉由圖解式插畫來揭開妖怪的神秘面紗,以及探索其背後所代表的文化意涵。 在文獻探討中,釐清圖解設計、妖怪文化與民俗學的相關論述,建立後續在臺灣妖怪題材導入的基礎;在案例分析中,除了歸類圖解式插畫的視覺表現風格,以補足圖解設計結合插畫手法的操作,並利用分類結果,取樣自專門解釋妖怪之圖文專書或出版物,進行圖解樣式、表現形式、編排形式及內容呈現等的分析,歸納出妖怪題材導入圖解式插畫之應用趨勢有:1. 妖怪的呈現以偏向寫實、線條筆觸表現的風格居多,在色彩上多採用黑白色、濁色調或是雙色;2. 呈現內容會直接影響圖解樣式的選用,事前的創作規劃與內容擴充能豐富圖解樣式與編排形式的應用;3. 除了呈現妖怪的造型與傳說故事,應包含妖怪形成的原因與對社會的影響,幫助人們了解臺灣妖怪及民俗學。 整合相關學理與案例分析之創作方針,實際導入創作驗證,以「妖怪來自於人類的想像」完成創作作品《妖物誌》,依照民俗學的特性分為行為教育、道德教化、環境認知與心靈寄託等四個系列,共12 件作品利用圖解式插畫充分呈現妖怪的外貌特徵、傳說故事、緣起由來與社會意涵。經由創作實證所獲致結論有1. 對妖怪緣由的有助於民俗文化的傳承;2. 內容的擷取左右圖解式插畫的表現效果;3. 圖像敘事要素的導入妖怪傳說故事的完整表達;4. 多元的圖解樣式與編排形式的交互應用可提升視覺與閱讀的層次。
Folklore monster is the result of the human development. When ancestors were facing the fear of the environment, it played the important role to explain the unknow and admonish people against the danger. Folklore monster belongs to the folkloristics. Issue of the folklore monster is brought into focus receive attention in recently. Because of the foreign culture’s impact, people are going to look for folklore monster in Taiwan. Many people report that folklore is negative and unfamiliar, also the misunderstanding and misusing the culture will make negative influence for tenuous Taiwan’s folkloristics. In view of this, the research aims at removing the mystery of Taiwanese folklore monster and exploring their culture value. The literature review, involves the diagrammatic design, folklore monster and folkloristics, is the theoretical basis for my works. Before the case analysis, I classify the frequently-used style and layout in diagrammatic illustration. Then I use these two factories to analyze the case study, the monographs of explanation for folklore monster. I summarize that diagrammatic illustration techniques in folklore monster can be divided into four essential aspects: 1. Realistic style, line conversion, monotone color and duotone color are more frequently applying in illustration case. 2. The effect of visual expression depends on what content selected. 3. Besides presenting the appearance and story of the folklore monster, the origin and the affect are important points in creation to help people understand the folklore culture. After researching and studying the theory and case analysis, I created the work: MO-SONA, based on the main concept—folklore monster is coming from the imagination of human. According to the function of the folklore, there are four series, 12 works, in MO-SONA: 1. Behavioral education 2. Moral education 3. Environmental cognition 4. Spiritual sustenance. By way of creative processes and the empirical results are organized as follows: 1. Studying the origin of the folklore monster will promote the transmission of the folklore. 2. Selecting the content of the story will affect the visual expression of the diagrammatic illustration. 3.It is more complete to use the image narrative for telling story. 4. It is more effective to combine the using of diagrammatic type and layout.



圖解式插畫, 臺灣妖怪, 民俗, Diagrammatic illustration, Folklore monster in Taiwan, Folklore





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