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近年來,由於民族意識的抬頭及文化多樣性議題的崛起,使得原住民文化逐漸受到重視,原住民族是人類重要的文化資產,代表先民胼手胝足的奮鬥史,而如何保存與延續臺灣原住民文化,已成為政府政策思考的重點。 洪國勝先生,在地方上默默紮根的文史工作者,畢生致力於原住民文化的人文溯源、民俗祭儀、社區關懷,以錄音、記錄等方式進行原住民史料的研究與保存,足跡遍及全臺各大小部落。1984年成立的「高雄市山地文化研究會」,以選取瀕臨消失的原住民文化,進行採集、整理為宗旨,近期更參與國家型數位典藏計劃的推動,出版了一系列原住民傳統童謠書籍及有聲資料,在保存原住民文獻與文化推動方面的貢獻是有目共睹。 本文主要探討洪國勝先生對於原住民童謠保存所做的貢獻,從其生平與思想的背景來探究「高雄市健行會」至「高雄市山地文化研究會」的成立及其宗旨,並以近年來所著關於原住民傳統童謠的系列著作為核心,討論傳統歌謠在部落裡的傳統意義與其對於原住民童謠之保存貢獻、回顧其田野採集的路線與歷程,最後以影片方式呈現。
Recently, because of the rising of ethnic consciousness and the issue of cultural diversity, indigenous cultures have earned more attention. Indigenous, an important cultural asset to human beings, represent the history of our ancestors’ struggle, and how to preserve and continue Taiwanese indigenous cultures has become a significant issue in government’s policy-making. Kuo-Sheng HUNG, working on local cultures and histories, dedicated his whole life to indigenous culture’s origin of humanities, folk rituals, and community care. By means of voice and data recording, he preserved and studied indigenous historical records throughout almost every indigenous tribe in Taiwan. Kaohsiung’s Culture Research Association of Taiwan’s Mountains, founded in 1984, aimed at collecting and organizing indigenous cultures that are on the brink of extinction. Recently, it has involved in the promotion of the National Digital Archives Project and published a series of books and audio records of indigenous traditional nursery rhymes. Its contribution to the preservation of indigenous literature and the promotion of indigenous cultures is there for all to see. The study will first discuss Kuo-Sheng HUNG’s contribution to the preservation of indigenous nursery rhymes, and delve into the foundation and the purpose of Kaohsiung’s Culture Research Association of Taiwan’s Mountains through his life story and ideological background. The study will further focus on his recent publication, a series of indigenous traditional nursery rhymes, looking into the meaning of those traditional rhymes and its contribution to the preservation of indigenous nursery rhymes and reflecting on the route and process of his fieldwork collection. Lastly, there will be a video showing you the whole study.



洪國勝, 原住民, 童謠, 田野採集, Hung Kuo-Sheng, indigenous, nursery rhymes, fieldwork collection





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