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本研究旨在探討台北縣童軍服務員內外控人格特質與團領導風格現況,並探討不同背景因素與環境因素之服務員在內外控人格特質與團領導風格的關係。本研究先經由文獻探討論述人格與領導的相關理論,並以問卷調查來蒐集相關資料。之後根據資料分析所得,獲得結論和建議,以供相關單位與人員之參考。 本研究以台北縣負責帶領童軍(年齡在十一歲至十五)之服務員為問卷普查對象,以自編「台北縣童軍服務員內外控人格特質與團領導風格研究問卷」實施調查,回收問卷177份,有效樣本171份,可用率96﹪。以SPSS for Windows 10.0進行資料統計分析,統計方法採用次數分配及百分比、平均數、標準差、信度分析、因素分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe事後比較法及Pearson積差相關分析等。 本研究之結果歸納如下: ㄧ、在內外控取向上,台北縣負責帶領童軍之服務員傾向「內控」。 二、台北縣負責帶領童軍之服務員的團領導風格以「高倡導高關懷」居多數。 三、台北縣負責帶領童軍之服務員中,不同背景因素(性別、年齡、職業、婚姻狀況、服務員年資、教育程度、童軍教育背景、服務員訓練背景)的服務員在內外控人格特質上無明顯差異。 四、台北縣負責帶領童軍之服務員中,不同環境因素(團所在地區、團性質)的服務員在內外控人格特質上無明顯差異。 五、台北縣負責帶領童軍之服務員中,男性童軍服務員在團領導風格之「倡導」面向上高於女性服務員。 六、台北縣負責帶領童軍之服務員中,不同背景因素之年齡、職業、婚姻狀況、服務員年資、教育程度、童軍教育背景、服務員訓練背景的服務員,在團領導風格上無明顯差異。 七、台北縣負責帶領童軍之服務員中,不同環境因素(團所在地區、團性質)的服務員,在團領導風格上無明顯差異。 八、台北縣童軍服務員具有內控人格傾向者,在團領導風格中的「關懷」程度高於外控人格傾向之服務員。 九、台北縣童軍服務員中,內控人格特質傾向越高者,在團領導風格之「關懷」程度越高。
The purpose of this study was to explore the situation and the relationship between the locus of internal-external control and the leadership behavior of the scout leaders in Taipei County. The study reviewed literatures about the theories of personality and leadership, and a questionnaire survey was also used to collect the empirical data of this study. Through the analysis of the data and conclusion from the study suggestions are to be shared with relevant unit and personnel. The questionnaire participants subjects were the scout leaders in Taipei County. The instrument was titled ”Questionnaire Survey of Internal- External Locus of Control and Leadership Behavior of Scout Leaders in Taipei County”. 171 out of 177 questionnaires were valid resulting in a usable percentage of 96%. The data statistic analysis included SPSS for Windows 10.0 used for the date and statistic analysis. Statistic methods included allocation of number of time and proportions, mean, standard deviation, reliability analysis, factor analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe Method, and Pearson’s product-moment correlation. The results of the study were as follows: 1. Scout leaders in Taipei County tended to have the locus of internal control. 2.Most scout leaders in Taipei County adopted both high initiation structure and high consideration to lead their scouts. 3. The locus of internal-external control didn’t have significant differences among the scout leaders with different background variables (gender, age, occupation, marital status, service duration, academics degree,scout educational background and adult leader training experience) in Taipei County. 4. The locus of internal-external control didn’t have significant differences among scout leaders with different environmental variables ( Scout troop area and property) in Taipei County. 5. There were significant differences in gender of scout leaders on structure factor of leadership behavior. 6. Age, occupation, marital status, service duration, academics degree, scout educational background and adult leader training experiences did not affect the leadership behavior of the scout leaders in Taipei County. 7. The leadership behavior didn’t have significant differences among the scout leaders with different environmental variables ( Scout troop area and property) in Taipei County. 8. The scout leaders in Taipei County with the level of leadership behavior of internal-control are significantly higher than with the level of leadership behavior of external-control in the aspect of “consideration”. 9. The more scout leaders with the tendency in the locus of internal control, the more the level of leadership behavior in the aspect of “consideration”.



內外控人格特質, 團領導風格, 童子軍, 童軍服務員, the locus of internal- external control, leadership behavior in the scout troop, scout, scout leader





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