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Department of Geography, NTNU
Department of Geography, NTNU
A review on relation among blackfoot disease epidemicity, arsenic concentration and fluorescence intensity with spatial distribution, and the process to cause blackfoot disease, the authors come to the following conclusions: 1. The highest prevalent area of blackfoot disease epidemicity is also the highest concentrate area of arsenic concentration and fluorecence intensity, and the next higher areas are not unanimously each others, that shows only high arsenic concentration or high fluorecence intensity is can not to interpret the cause of blackfoot disease. 2. The distribution maps of arsenic concentration and fluorecence intensity is one and all, it means the polymerization of fluorecent compounds, and may have other associated cation is also the catalysis for blackfoot disease. 3. The arsenic and fluorecent compounds come from the deposition material of geological environment, and widespread distributed at southwestern plain of Taiwan. Then ground-water flow gathered richly in each flowing course of groundwater basin separately. The native taking those high arsenic concentration and high fluorecence intensity groundwater for domestic use in the long run is the process to cause blackfoot disease.