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因過去特殊歷史背景,中國被視為是臺灣的敵人。在1995-96年及1999-2000兩次台海危機讓李登輝和陳水扁高票當選,以及陳水扁時期利用中國作為轉移國內政治爭議的對象,都可看出中國身為敵對的「他者」對於臺灣的領導人而言,似可作為轉移國內危機以及凝聚內部支持度的對象。 依照社會認同理論,個人基於對我群的認同以及向心力,會對我群做出有利的行為,本研究基於社會認同理論的論述,欲觀察中國身為「他者」的狀態下,臺灣人基於「我群」的意識,對自己所屬群體產生凝聚力如何,以及抱持不同我群意識所產生凝聚力的差別。本研究用問卷與實驗研究法,來分析大學生遇到中國的政治和軍事威脅時,是否會因此增加對於領導人以及國家的凝聚力,以及此一凝聚力之變化程度是否會因其自身國家認同的差異而有所不同。 大學生是社會未來的主力,了解大學生的國家認同和大學生對外在威脅的反應,對於了解臺灣的政治態度會有很大的助益。而本研究關注個人層面,探討個人國家認同對於威脅反應之影響,希望能更進一步地的瞭解情感因素和外在威脅的關聯。
Because of the historical background, China has been seen as an enemy to Taiwanese people for a long time. As a result, people's perception of China often has significant impact on their political actions. For example, the crises between China and Taiwan on 1995-96 and 1999-2000 affected the results of the 1996 and 2000 presidential elections. Politicians have also used the anti-China sentiment as a tool to divert public attention away from their internal political disputes, a manipulation known as the strategy of using external crisis to boost internal cohesion. According to Social Identity Theory, out-group crises can increase the cohesion of in-group. Based on the theory, this research examines how college student react when they receive the threats from China, and whether these students' responses vary based on their national identities. College students constitute an important group of the society. Studying the attitude of college students can help us better understand the political attitude of Taiwanese people and politics in Taiwan, it will help us understand the politics of Taiwan.



社會認同理論, 國家認同, 兩岸關係, ⼤學⽣, 實驗, Social Identity Theory, national identity, cross-Strait relations, college students, experiment

