
dc.contributorLiu, Heng-Wenen_US
dc.contributor.authorChang, Sheng-Minen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究欲探討國中公民科落實人權教育情形,並特別針對「校園人權議題」做深度討論。為達研究目的,本研究針對國中公民第一、四冊教科書進行質性內容分析,同時也針對六名國中公民教師進行深度訪談。希望透過本研究釐清重點包括:第一,人權教育融入教科書中人權法治與校園人權相關章節概況;第二,教師人權教育理念;第三,教師對「校園人權議題」之課程規畫、實踐、與困境;第四,教師對教科書的想法與建議等。 依據上述研究目的,本研究結果發現如下: 一、人權教育能力指標融入教科書者,以「1-4-3瞭解法律、制度對人權保障的意義」與「2-4-2認識各種人權與日常生活的關係」兩者為主。而實際內容確實對法律制度的介紹豐富,亦多有與校園生活連結之處。 二、教科書內容以介紹人權法治知識為主,較少有深度引導人權價值的內容。 三、教科書內容較少提及校園爭議性議題,特別如師生權利衝突之議題。 四、受訪教師皆肯定人權教育,期待能陶冶學生的人權價值並於校園實踐。 五、受訪教師普遍關注自尊尊人、社會參與、合法程序、群體規範等面向的人權教育內容。但對教導學生人權可能產生的師生互動為難有所顧慮。 六、受訪教師規劃「校園人權議題」課程,普遍偏向與學生探討霸凌與性別平等議題,而對於探討「生活管教」層面的議題仍有顧慮。教師教學要點如:舉例說明、引導討論、多元觀點俱陳、深度同理、注意隱私問題。 七、受訪教師針對「校園人權議題」的教學容易遇到的困境包括:談論校園人權議題造成的教師角色兩難、人權理想與實際校園生活的落差、時間不足以致學生學習效果有限、輔助設備不齊全等。 八、受訪教師認為教科書不足之處包括:知識過度填塞不利陶冶人權價值、教師手冊缺乏融入議題說明建議、多元觀點不足、學生權利內涵說明不足。 關鍵字:人權教育、校園人權議題、國中公民教師、國中公民教科書zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMy thesis aims to investigate the current situation of the implementation of the education of the human rights in civics education in junior high schools and specifically discusses the issues of campus human rights. To accomplish the thesis purpose, the textbook one and four of the civics education in junior high schools undergoes qualitative content analysis and six teachers of civics education in junior high schools are conducted a depth interview as research objective. I hope my thesis will help clarify the following critical points: first, the general condition of the human right education covered in textbooks; second, teachers’ educational ideas of human right education; third, the plans, implementation and difficulties in teachers’ curriculum of campus human rights; and fourth, teachers’ ideas and advice upon the textbooks. According to the research purpose abovementioned, the results are listed below: I.The textbooks with the competence indicator of human right education mainly cover students’ comprehension of the meanings behind the lawful and institutional protection of human rights (1-4-3) and the ability to understand the relationship between various kinds of human rights and daily life (2-4-2). The contents of the textbooks indeed have abundant introduction to law, institutions and campus human rights. II.The textbooks mainly cover a wide knowledge of human rights and law but slightly touch upon the deep introduction to the values of human rights. III.The textbooks slightly refer to the controversies over the campus issues, especially the issues about the rights and conflicts between teachers and students. IV.The teachers interviewed all appreciate the values of human right education and expect they themselves can cultivate students’ positive values of human rights and practice the human right education in the campus. V.The teachers interviewed are mostly concerned about the human right education that covers multifarious perspectives such as self-esteem, social participation, legal procedures, and group norms. However, simultaneous, they are also worried about the possible interaction between teachers and students in the campus. VI.In light of “the campus human rights,” the curricular plans of the teachers interviewed are commonly disposed for the discussion upon bullying and gender equality. The teachers still have the scruples and concern over the issues of life discipline. The key points in the teaching includes exemplary illustration, holding a discussion, statements of multiple viewpoints, cultivating students’ high compassion and teachers’ heeds to the problems of personal privacy. VII.The difficulties that the teachers interviewed easily encounter in teaching “the issues of the campus human rights” include teachers’ dilemma of discussing the issues of campus human rights, the gap between the ideal human rights and the virtual campus life, students’ limited learning resulting from the insufficiency of time ,and the inadequacy of the auxiliary equipment. VIII.The teachers interviewed argues that the following disadvantages cause the inadequacy of the textbooks. The heavy loading of the knowledge is unbeneficial to cultivating students’ values of human rights. Teachers’ handbooks don’t properly cover much advice upon how to integrate the issues of human rights into education. The textbooks don’t fully present multiple viewpoints and don’t clearly illustrate the meanings of students’ rights, either. Key Words: human right education, campus human right issue, teachers of civic education in junior high schools, textbooks of civics education in junior high schoolen_US
dc.subjecthuman right educationen_US
dc.subjectcampus human right issueen_US
dc.subjectteachers of civic education in junior high schoolsen_US
dc.subjecttextbooks of civics education in junior high schoolen_US
dc.titleThe Research upon the Current Situation of the Implementation of the Civics Education in Junior High Schools: A Case Study of the Campus Human Rightsen_US


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