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主要研究方法是利用K-means Segmentation方法找出黑板範圍並去除黑板以外的資訊,接著即使老師身體擋住黑板字跡,也能有效地保留黑板的字跡而無缺漏;本研究採用Adaptive Threshold方法進行字跡擷取與過濾雜訊,繼而利用字跡擷取的結果進行相對應於原始畫面的字跡顏色,並且給予此粉筆字字跡進行著色;藉由統計黑板字跡變化量偵測教學影片適合的分割時機點,最後在每段片段中擷取擁有最完整字跡內容的畫面當作教學筆記。
Lecture in a blackboard equipped classroom is still very common in the K-12. The teacher usually write the important notes on the blackboard and students often try to copy all notes from the blackboard. However, as the teacher is usually between the students and the blackboard, teacher tends to block parts of blackboard. As a result, students note-taking cannot be in sync with the lecture. This study tried to remedy this note-taking difficulty by automatically extract notes on the blackboard throughout a lecture. To extract the notes from the blackboard, the K-means clustering segmentation methods was first used to find the blackboard area. Adaptive threshold method was then used to extract written notes from the blackboard. Color analysis was done to preserve the original chalk color in the extracted notes. By using a simplified method for determining lecture break points, the system outputs the extracted notes at the lecture break points. Experiments and analysis with 10 self-taped instruction videos showed that this system is able to achieve 90% character extraction. This system also compares favorably over system proposed in [34]. The experiments showed that even in the different teaching environment the system all have similar good results.
Lecture in a blackboard equipped classroom is still very common in the K-12. The teacher usually write the important notes on the blackboard and students often try to copy all notes from the blackboard. However, as the teacher is usually between the students and the blackboard, teacher tends to block parts of blackboard. As a result, students note-taking cannot be in sync with the lecture. This study tried to remedy this note-taking difficulty by automatically extract notes on the blackboard throughout a lecture. To extract the notes from the blackboard, the K-means clustering segmentation methods was first used to find the blackboard area. Adaptive threshold method was then used to extract written notes from the blackboard. Color analysis was done to preserve the original chalk color in the extracted notes. By using a simplified method for determining lecture break points, the system outputs the extracted notes at the lecture break points. Experiments and analysis with 10 self-taped instruction videos showed that this system is able to achieve 90% character extraction. This system also compares favorably over system proposed in [34]. The experiments showed that even in the different teaching environment the system all have similar good results.
教學影片, 教學筆記, 內容分析, 彩色教學筆記, instruction videos, lecture notes, content analysis, colorful notes