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遺書,是一個人在面臨生離死別的關鍵時刻或突如其來的人生終途,對這個世界與所愛之人的最後道別,是一個人在檢視自我生命的意義與價值後,對過去一生所作的回顧。政治受難者「遺書」作為歷史見證,不僅有其特殊歷史文化意涵,亦標示了無辜被囚禁者,被處死前的最後遺言。近年來,隨著檔案揭密,許多受難者無法送達的絕筆書信一一曝光,這些被「遺忘」近一甲子的遺書終於送達。遺書解禁,不僅喚醒人們對於挖掘白色恐怖歷史真相的重視,也象徵著歷史解釋權回歸民間;公開展示,更深具人權教育意涵,並使潛藏歷史得以重現,記憶得以解凍。 在白色恐怖議題的歷年展示中,「遺書展」首次公開當年被政府塵封的政治受難者遺書,其作為白色恐怖展示的新起點,實有其重要性與獨特性。本研究以「遺書展」作為研究個案,藉由展示文本分析,探討創傷展示特色,並以發佈於國家人權博物館籌備處官網上的觀眾留言作為研究對象,透過觀眾的留言內容分析,以探究觀眾當下目擊創傷,所書寫之感受經驗與想法,以及觀眾對創傷歷史的第二見證。 研究發現,「遺書展」透過聚焦於十位受難者的遺書和生命故事,讓人們得以對白色恐怖時期下的創傷主體,有更清楚的認識,在觀看遺書的同時,亦往往能促使觀眾反思自己不作為的愧疚,進而啟發觀眾擺脫旁觀者態度,將參觀經驗轉化為願意有所承擔與改變之道德意識。這種因觀看他人受難,所啟發之道德良知,實則有助認識和學習防止人權迫害與錯誤歷史再犯。而留言的設置意義,便在於透過當下敘說展演,形塑觀眾的認同與道德學習,並達到創傷歷史的傳承。
The will and testament is the last farewell of a person to the world and his love ones, upon facing the last gathering with his family and the unpredictable end of his life. It is a person’s last words, after reflecting the meanings and values throughout his life. As the witness of the history, "the wills and testaments" of the political victims not only implicate the meanings of special history and culture, but also represent the last words of innocent prisoners before the executions were carried out. In recent years, because of the reveal of public documents, many wills of the political victims also have exposed. After about 60 years, the "forgotten" wills finally find their way home. Revealing the wills and testaments not only awakens people to pay attention to dig out the truth of the history about the White Terror, but represents the right to interpret the history returned to people as well. Moreover, exhibiting the wills and testaments can fulfill the human rights education and release the hidden history memory. The buried wills of the political victims have gone on exhibition for the first time in "The Will and Testament Exhibition."As a new starting point of exhibition of the White Terror, it is very important and unique. The research is based on a case study of "The Will and Testament Exhibition." Analysis of the exhibition text was applied to explore the features of traumatic exhibition. In addition, by examining the visitors’ comments on the website of National Human Rights Museum Preparatory Office, the research aims to investigate how visitors interpret their experiences and opinions, as well as the second witness of traumatic history. According to the results of this study, by focusing on the wills and life stories of ten political victims, "The Will and Testament Exhibition" makes visitors to understand more about the traumatic subjects upon the White Terror Period. At the same time, when reading the wills, visitors reflect on the shame at doing nothing, and further transform the attitude of a bystander into the moral consciousness. The moral conscience enlightened by seeing the pain of others, contributes visitors to know and learn how to prevent the oppression of human rights and the occurrence of violent history. Through narrative and performance at once, the installation of visitors’ comments is to shape visitors’ identification and moral learning, as well as to pass down the traumatic history.



創傷展示, 政治受難者, 遺書, 觀眾留言, 國家人權博物館籌備處, traumatic exhibition, political victims, the will and testament, visitors’ comments, National Human Rights Museum Preparatory Office





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