
dc.contributorWang, Yen-Chaoen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Szu-Chien_US
dc.description.abstract數位科技的進步,使得電影媒體產製相關服務及推廣邁向嶄新階段,在媒體科技和數位創新下,文化記錄之紀實電影與人類活動密切結合,呈現多元化的創新形態,值得探析。隨著Web 2.0概念與社群媒體(social media)的普及,使得透過網路蒐集資料、彙整主題、創造內容並分享的社群策展(social curation)活動興起,帶來生活化、互動性高、趣味性的應用服務,社群網路服務(social networking service,簡稱 SNS)提供了共享個人訊息、嗜好、著作與建立關係群組的多樣性服務,形成相互整合與共創的群體活動。而社群策展成為當今傳播媒體溝通重要方式,是現代網路應用的重要發展與特色,使得人際溝通相關服務及推廣邁向嶄新階段,在媒體和數位創新下,影視媒體溝通且與人類活動密切結合,而社群策展呈現多元化、互動化的創新形態,值得探析。 近年來,國內紀實電影發展逐漸向市場靠攏,在外語片與國內商業片強勢之主流電影市場下,紀實電影仍為小眾,生存艱辛,在「內容為王」現今,網路喧染力與社群媒體的迴響漸成為紀實電影於籌措、製作與推廣時強大助力;目前國內紀實電影的產製意義與其市場價值逐漸重視,而國內相關文獻及研究十分缺乏,故本研究從研究個案創作至上映發行歷程,探討國內外應用社群策展於紀實電影相關發展與現況,瞭解如何有效應用社群策展提升影片內容的的深度與廣度,並且分析本研究個案成功關鍵因素,作為本研究建立研究架構的基礎。在研究方法上,採半結構式的深度訪談法,訪談對象含括本個案導演、傳播媒體與策展領域之專家,以進行資料蒐集,統整、分析研究結果,推導出研究結論與建議,在研究實踐上,歸納出有關於社群策展應用紀實電影的未來方向與實施重點,作為研究結論與建議,期許能作為後續研究之基礎、業者規劃發展與未來產業人士策略之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe global system of networked computers, servers and routers known as the Internet has transformed many aspects of modern society and social interaction. The online distribution of goods and services, for instance, has influenced almost every industry and has radically transformed many. Alongside commerce-oriented technological development has been a rise in what has been termed “social media.” One of the most significant developments connected to social media is the rise of social network sites (SNSs), such as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter. Social curation brought diverse development of applications for the development and application of documentary film. The use of social curation has improved the production process in movie prodution and has greatly facilitated the interaction between audiences and filmmaking. Recently many foreign cases had been used in many applications, it is worth to exploration.It is a trend that the documentary film use social curation for promoting to show the topic. The social networking service provided by digital technology enable the the effortless sharing of such media content that people find relevant, funny or interesting enough to be worth for others also to read, listen or watch. It may give rise to a new insight and more innovative possibilities. In order to realize using social curation in documentary films, and to borrow as a reference for film promotion exploration in Taiwan, this research analysis the case of the elders’ round-island motorcycle tour of Taiwan project organized by senior citizen’s welfare foundation. And also discusses development and application of documentary film via the social curation in Taiwan by interviewing professors, media workers. In terms of the methodology of the research, in-depth interviews was adopted. The results were integrated and analyzed in this research. Data analysis for each subject interviewed consisted of utilizing and categorizing the data collected during in-depth interviews. With the rise of the social curation, curators began to make a promoting plan of curation. Therefore, this study will find out the key points for promoting via social curation in documentary film to provide the future planning application reference to the relevant institution.en_US
dc.subjectSocial Curationen_US
dc.subjectSocial Networking Service (SNS)en_US
dc.subjectDocumentary Filmen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Development and Application of Documentary Film via the Social Curation: A Case of the elders’round-island motorcycle tour of Taiwan Project Organized by Senior Citizen’s Welfare Foundation Organized by Senior Citizen’s Welfare Foundationen_US

