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本研究以六年級與八年級音樂班的學生及其聽寫課程授課教師為研究對象,並以問卷調查法了解其在聽寫課程學習目的、節奏聽寫策略、聽寫學習方法等層面看法,並探討師生看法之相關,具體結論如下: 壹、音樂班學生對聽寫課程看法之發現:1.在聽寫課程學習目的之整體及各面向,學生皆表認同。2.節奏聽寫內容方面,於節奏型態僅國小學生較不認同,節拍變化面向則各階段學生皆認同,節奏變化難度卻為各階段學生較不認同。3.聽寫學習方法方面,節奏聽寫策略面向學生多認同邊聽邊記譜;而聽寫學習工具面向則多認同鋼琴;聽寫策略獲大多數學生認同;且加強聽寫策略則以課外補習之認同度較高。4.背景變項之差異分析方面,國中生對聽寫課程學習目的及全體學生對節奏聽寫內容具有性別差異;國小生於聽寫學習目的具有主修樂器之差異;國中生對聽寫課程學習目的、節奏聽寫內容,以及全體學生對節奏聽寫內容等,會因學校區域而有差異;而國中生於聽寫課程學習目的及全體學生於節奏聽寫內容,均在曾否接受聽寫課程能力分組經驗方面具有差異。 貳、音樂班聽寫授課教師對聽寫課程看法之發現:1.教師對於聽寫課程教學目的及節奏聽寫內容等面向均表認同。2.於聽寫教學方法面向,以邊聽邊記譜為認同度較高之教學方式;鋼琴為主要教學工具亦具高度認同;且教師均對聽寫策略及加強聽寫策略等面向表示認同。3.背景變項之差異分析方面,教師對節奏聽寫內容之看法具有最高學歷之差異;對聽寫教學目的則於教學年資具有差異;於聽寫教學方法亦於是否實施聽寫能力分組具有差異。 參、音樂班師生對於聽寫課程看法之相關:1.國小學生及全體學生於聽寫課程學習目的方面,均與教師看法呈現負相關。2.學生與教師於節奏聽寫內容方面則為低度相關。3.國小學生及國中學生於聽寫學習方法方面,均與教師呈現負相關。 依據結論,研究者針對聽寫課程授課教師、教育相關單位、未來研究者提出建議,以提供未來聽寫課程發展及改進之參考。
The study aimed to investigate students’ and instructors’ perspectives about the musical dictation curriculum for the musically-talented education, including the correlation of both the subjects. Questionnaires, developed by the researcher, were used to collect the data and descriptive statistics, t-test, and Pearson correlation were used for analyses. Subjects were chose from 336 the sixth and eighth students of musically-talented classes and 28 the dictation instructors. Conclusions were stated as follows: First, the findings about the perspectives from students were: 1) All students agreed with the learning objectives of the dictation. 2) About the contents of rhythm dictation, seldom of the six graders agreed the rhythm types, and most students disagreed the difficulty of rhythm variations, although mostly of them agreed the meter variations. 3) About the methods of dictation, most students agreed that listening and notation could work simultaneously, piano could be a good tool, strategies were important, and supplemental classes would be a good way to improve. 4) About the differences of background variables, eighth and the whole students had the gender difference to the learning objectives of dictation and the contents of rhythm variations. Sixth graders had the difference in the major instruments to the learning objectives of dictation. And there were differences for eighth graders to learning objectives and rhythm contents, along with all students to rhythm contents, had differences in school areas. Also the eighth graders to the objectives and all students to rhythm contents had the difference in the experience of dictation ability grouping. Second, the findings about the perspectives of instructors were: 1) They all agreed with the teaching objectives of dictation and the contents of rhythm dictation. 2) About the methods of dictation, they agreed that listening and notation could work simultaneously, piano could be a good tool, strategies were important. 3) About the differences of background variables, the instructors had the difference in the highest educational background to the contents of rhythm dictation, the seniority to the teaching objectives, and the teaching methods of dictation to the implementation of dictation ability grouping. Last, the findings about the correlation of students’ and instructors’ perspectives were: 1) The students, including the sixth graders and the all, and the instructors had negative correlation in the opinions about the objectives of dictation. 2) There was low correlation between students and instructors about the contents of rhythm dictation. And 3) about the methods of dictation, students of sixth and eighth grades had negative correlation to the instructors. According to the conclusions, the researcher proposed suggestions to dictation instructors, the relative educational units, and the future studies.



音樂才能班, 聽寫課程, 節奏聽寫, 相關分析

