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本文論述筆者撰寫《在場證明》音樂劇劇本的詮釋與分析,以殺人案件作為全劇 的包裝,探討誰是誰非,誰為造成一切事件的元兇,以及人們對於自身所能掌控以及 需要掌控的範圍,同時筆者探討音樂在音樂劇中的􏳜事手法,並分析《在場證明》中 的歌曲的功能性。作品以殺人案作為起始點,在破案的過程中,帶出角色與死者之間的關係,以及 角色如何在被認為是嫌疑犯的情況下為自己脫罪,本劇共有三位演員,同時飾演三位 嫌疑犯、三位警察以及三位證人,警方透過現場所留下的線索找到了三位嫌疑犯,分 別為死者的妻子女A、死者的工作夥伴男C以及男C的男友男B,三人彼此暗算與爭 辯,以找出真正的殺人兇手。本齣劇希望討論何人才是真正的殺人犯,而死者的死亡又是誰造成的?當今社會 有許多的自殺案例,或許會自殺是有外力的影響,但能不能調整自我狀態以及取得生 活上的平衡也是人生課題之一,筆者希望藉此探討人們所該有的自癒能力,以及面對 社會的能力,期望所有人皆能找到自己生存的價值。
The written report is the interpretation and analysis of the musical script” The Proof of Survival”. The murder acts as a bridge, discussing the real murderer of all the things and the range that people can or need to control. The writer investigates the narrative technique in musical, and analyzes the functionality of songs in ” The Proof of Survival”.The work begins with the murder. Bringing out the relationships between the characters and the deceased during the process of solving the case. And how the characters help themselves to get away from murder suspects. It has three actors in the work, and they play the role of murder suspects, police officers and witnesses at the same time. The police officers find out three murder suspects through the clues on site, which are the deceased’s wife A, the deceased’s coworker B and his boyfriend C.Three people try their best to get rid of the suspicion, and find out the real murderer.The writer wants to discuss who is the real murderer and who causes the death. There are a lot of suicide cases of the society, most of them are caused by outside forces. However, adjusting our state and finding out the balance in life is one of our life issues. By discussing the self-healing ability and the ability of facing the society that people should have, hoping that everyone can find their values of living.



中文原創音樂劇, 在場證明, 劇本創作, 懸疑, musical, The Proof of Survival, playwriting





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