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本研究旨在探討不同語言以及不同視覺輔助之注釋組合(combined annotations)輔助閱讀對字彙學習的影響,由於受試者必須在個人數位助理(Personal Digital Assistant)上進行文章的閱讀,故本研究有別於傳統藉由桌上型電腦(desktop)進行注釋輔助閱讀之研究。
參與本研究的學生來自中台灣某國立高中一年級,共有一百二十一位。這些受試學生依據不同的注釋組合分成四組,分別為中文圖片注釋組、中文動畫注釋組、英文圖片注釋組以及英文動畫注釋組。這些受試者在研究開始第一週先接受個人數位助理之操作訓練,第二週則實施前測以確定四組受試者對目標單字(target words)的認識無差異,均為陌生。第三週時受試者在PDA上進行四篇指定文章的閱讀,四篇文章均有五個目標單字,總共二十個目標單字且均為動詞,受試者依據自己的組別在不同的組合注釋輔助下閱讀文章,每閱讀完一篇文章及進行完文末的閱讀測驗活動後,立即在PDA上接受五個目標單字的立即後測(immediate posttest) ,四篇文章故總共進行了四次。立即後測包含兩種能力的測驗:一為受試者拼寫出目標單字(word production);其二為受試者辨認出目標單字(word recognition)。在實驗結束一個月後,受試者接受與立即後測相同內容但以紙筆形式進行的延宕後測(delayed posttest),以得知在實驗一個月後受試者目標單字的學習情形。
研究結果顯示,在立即後測中,無論在單字拼寫或單字辨認方面,中文及英文注釋對單字所產生之學習效益並無差異,但圖片與動畫輔助則對單字學習產生不同效益,且其中動畫輔助對單字學習所產生的效益顯著大於圖片輔助。而在延宕後測中,無論在單字拼寫或單字辨認方面,中文或英文注釋以及圖片或動畫對單字學習所產生之效益均無差異,但在單字拼寫方面,語言注釋(verbal annotations)與視覺輔助工具(visual aids)之間的交互作用達到顯著。
The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of different combined annotations with first and second languages for verbal annotations and pictures and animation for visual annotations. It was administered on PDAs to further confirm whether the results are in agreement with those implemented on the desktop. According to the assigned annotation type, four classes of 121 senior high school freshmen in central Taiwan read 4 passages, each of which had 5 target verbs, annotated in the following ways: L1 definition-plus-pictures, L1 definition-plus-animation, L2 definition-plus-pictures, and L2 definition-plus-animation. These participants took an immediate posttest on a PDA after reading each and a delayed parallel posttest with paper and pen one month after the experiment. Two-way ANOVA analyses indicated in the immediate posttests no significant differences between the definition languages but significant differences between the visual aids, with animatied pictures more effective, including word production part and word recognition part; however, in the delayed posttest no significant differences between the definition languages and between the visual aids, whether in word production part or in word recognition part. Besides, different from the results in the immediate posttest, there were significant interaction effects between different verbal annotations and different visual aids found in word production of the delayed posttests. The findings of definition languages were consistent with the previous studies, and this study further offered evidence from younger adults and lower proficient English learners. The performance for animated pictures over still pictures supported the argument that dynamic animation is designed to illustrate concepts of changes and processes such as English verbs. Directions for future research and suggestions for language practitioners are also discussed.
The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of different combined annotations with first and second languages for verbal annotations and pictures and animation for visual annotations. It was administered on PDAs to further confirm whether the results are in agreement with those implemented on the desktop. According to the assigned annotation type, four classes of 121 senior high school freshmen in central Taiwan read 4 passages, each of which had 5 target verbs, annotated in the following ways: L1 definition-plus-pictures, L1 definition-plus-animation, L2 definition-plus-pictures, and L2 definition-plus-animation. These participants took an immediate posttest on a PDA after reading each and a delayed parallel posttest with paper and pen one month after the experiment. Two-way ANOVA analyses indicated in the immediate posttests no significant differences between the definition languages but significant differences between the visual aids, with animatied pictures more effective, including word production part and word recognition part; however, in the delayed posttest no significant differences between the definition languages and between the visual aids, whether in word production part or in word recognition part. Besides, different from the results in the immediate posttest, there were significant interaction effects between different verbal annotations and different visual aids found in word production of the delayed posttests. The findings of definition languages were consistent with the previous studies, and this study further offered evidence from younger adults and lower proficient English learners. The performance for animated pictures over still pictures supported the argument that dynamic animation is designed to illustrate concepts of changes and processes such as English verbs. Directions for future research and suggestions for language practitioners are also discussed.
字彙學習, 多媒體注釋, 行動學習, 個人數位助理, vocabulary learning, multimedia annotations, mobile-learning, PDA