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娛樂明星吸毒、嫖娼劣跡行為頻傳,致使大陸廣電總局下令暫停播放 有吸毒、嫖娼等違法行為者所主創之影視作品以及禁止吸毒、嫖娼之娛樂 明星參演廣播電視節目、影視劇和網路視聽節目。此舉引來熱議,支持與 反對各有說辭。政府的決策,通常是多種因素交叉作用之結果。社會對行 業監督的缺失以及行業自我調控的失靈,則是政府規制的一個直接原因。 因此,本研究藉助社會責任理論與政府規制理論的義理,先對娛樂明 星涉毒、嫖娼情況進行整合分析。再透過業內自律,社會大眾、媒體輿論 以及法律等監督主體歷來對娛樂明星涉毒、嫖娼行為監督情況的解析,來 探討大陸廣電總局規制涉毒、嫖娼娛樂明星的原因。 研究結果發現,娛樂明星涉毒、嫖娼情況已達到相對嚴重的狀態。而 社會各監督主體在對娛樂明星涉毒、嫖娼行為的監督中均存在監督與約束 力不足的情況。大陸廣電總局規制涉毒、嫖娼娛樂明星是當下娛樂明星涉 毒、嫖娼行為頻發最有效的應急之舉,具有其正確性、合理性和必然性。
With the increasing number of criminal behaviors of the entertainment stars, such as drug addiction and whoring, the lifts a ban on the films and TV programs which are performed by the entertainment stars with such criminal behaviors. Moreover, the SARFT prohibits them to take part in the TV shows, TV series and Internet audio-visual programs. However, it brings a hot discussion. People holds different opinions of their own. The government policies are usually the result of various kinds of factors. Lacking of supervision and the failure of self-regulation of the industry become the direct factor of government regulation. Using the theory of social responsibility and the regulation of government, the research makes an integrated analysis of the situation of drug addiction and whoring of the entertainment stars. Then, it analyzes the supervision of the industry self-discipline, the public, media opinions and laws on the drug addiction and whoring of the entertainment stars to seek for the reason why the SARFT stipulates the drug addiction and whoring of entertainment stars. The research shows that the entertainment stars have been addicted to the drug and whoring in an sever situation .however, the supervision organizations fail to supervise these criminal behavior. therefor,It is the most effective measure for the SARFT to stipulate the entertainment stars who are addicted to drug and whoring. It is of validity, rationality and inevitability.



娛樂明星, 社會責任, 政府規制, 監督, Entertainment Stars, Social Responsibility, Government Regulation, Supervise

