

本研究以敘事探究取徑,敘說五位國中初任教師之教學實踐故事,並看見五個不同的初任教師圖像。此外,由故事中重新理解初任教師面臨之挑戰,以及亟需跨越的鴻溝。 透過初任教師圖像敘說與回看生命經驗的三度探究空間歷程,看見五位初任教師的圖像,分別為:看不清戰場的小辣椒、徜徉競爭大海的小丑魚、人事困境中的能量天使、夾縫中求生存的菜鳥教師,以及封閉校園中的極道鮮師。 交會五位初任教師的故事敘說與詮釋後,看見初任教師共同面臨來自教學場域的挑戰,如人事互動下的和諧與衝突、競爭氛圍下的升學掛帥與排名爭奪,存在於校園中的權威文化,掌控學生也規訓教師。此外,尚有因為性別差異而產生互動上的挑戰、初任教師生涯發展階段中不同時期,也會面臨不同的困境與挑戰。 在挑戰面向下,隱含著初任教師需要跨越的鴻溝:跨越理論與實踐的落差,重新探究教師知識;跨越師生文化差異,重新經營師生關係;跨越競爭氛圍,重新看待學習本質;跨越教師合模面具,看見教師角色的多元面向,也不再只是單純地追尋心中的「楷模教師」圖像,而是型塑屬於自己的「教師圖像」。而在鴻溝底下最深層的挑戰,其實是初任教師必須不斷與體制、結構進行理念的拉扯,也需要卸下面具,看清自己教師身分的轉換,形塑自我的教師角色認同。  在研究終曲,重新理解故事與詮釋後,給予適切建議:初任教師可建立交流的社群、建立協助初任教師成長機制,初任教師也應發展自我支持與真實面對場域,才能在教師生涯上穩健地行走。此外,也透過對於研究的再探究,進行重要的省思歷程。
The purpose of this study was to explore the gap between teaching theory and practice of five beginning teachers taught at different junior high schools. Through narrative inquiry, this study re-comprehended the challenges the teachers faced in their fields, and understood the efforts they made to overcome the difficulties. I invited four beginning teachers to undertake interactive narrative inquiry for almost one year. Then I analyzed our teaching stories and found that the beginning teachers encountered five aspects of challenges: personnel interaction, competitive atmosphere, authority culture, gender differences, and different teacher career developments. Under these challenges, there were gaps the beginning teachers tried to cross over. The teachers tried to re-construct teachers knowledge and to develop the personal practical knowledge in order to cross over the distance between theories and practices. The teachers tried to re-establish the relation of teachers and pupils in order to cross over the cultural differences between teachers and students. The teachers tried to re-understand the learning essence in order to cross over the pressure of competitive atmosphere. Additionally, the teachers tried to expand the diverse roles of teachers to cross over the stereotyped teacher image. Underneath the deepest of the challenges, beginning teachers tried to struggle with educational structure and to search for teacher identities. Based on the findings, this study provides the following suggestions. First, beginning teachers should be encouraged to support each other through a collaborative community. Second, the authority should establish a system to help beginning teachers to develop professionally. Third, beginning teachers should be encouraged to develop the ability to challenge the inequality in the field.



初任教師, 教學實踐, 敘事探究, beginning teachers, teaching praxis, narrative inquiry





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