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隨著全球國際化的趨勢,許多企業為尋求更高的競爭優勢,紛紛將生產主力外移國外,以致近來國內結構性失業率年年攀升,過去培育專業技術人才的技職教育在變革的潮流下亦面臨新的挑戰,政府為解決現況之困境,特由行政院勞委會職訓局、教育部與德國經濟辦事處組成專案工作小組,規劃及推動「台德菁英計畫」,期符合技職教育的改革目標,同時促成產業界與學術界的磨合度,創造企業人力資源效益,另與國際接軌對國家經濟社會有正面的幫助,冀望達成勞工、企業、學校、國家四贏的目的。此項產、官、學、研各界合作的訓練方式係屬新猷,訓練初期若藉由研究了解初期執行過程所產生的困難或缺失,並加以研討改進,將能使後續訓練進行更順暢,讓整個訓練制度更臻完善。因此,本研究旨在了解參與該計畫的技術生對於企業在職訓練的現況與看法,期望根據研究結果,提陳相關單位及人士精進「台德精英計畫」訓練之建議。經文獻分析完成「「台德菁英計畫」技術生工作崗位訓練現況調查」問卷的編製,針對「台德菁英計畫」第一期技術生於92學年第2學期初進行問卷普查。本研究總共發出304份問卷,回收262 份,總回收率達86﹪;其中有效問卷數為257 份,有效問卷總回收率為85﹪。問卷資料之分析方法係採用次數百分比、平均數、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)、薛費法(Scheffe)事後比較等。經資料分析後,獲得下列結論:(1)事業單位均依法提供安全的訓練環境、給付生活津貼給技術生、為其投辦勞健保。(2)工作崗位訓練內容是否符合所參與的計畫職類、使用的設備是否適當、工作崗位訓練是否皆於日間實施,均因事業單位不同而有顯著的差異。(3)多數事業單位所安排工作崗位訓練的時間超過法定時間。(4)飯店管理類技術生在每七日至少有一日之例假休息方面顯著低於其他三職類。(5)事業單位應確實安排適當指導員教導技術生工作學習。(6)事業單位應適當分配指導員人數,以維護教學品質。(7)指導員須具體提供學習成效評量與訓練成果回饋。(8)學校課程規劃應與工作崗位訓練加強配合,以達相輔相成之效。(9)事業單位所提供的津貼符合生活實際需要程度,以資訊電子類顯著高於其他三類。(10)事業單位傾向優先錄用結訓的技術生的同意程度低。
With the trend of the globalization, many enterprises in Taiwan have moved abroad to seek higher competition strength, so that the rate of structural unemployment has increased in recent years. Facing the challenge, several bodies, including Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training emerging Ministry of Education and German Trade Office Taipei, formed a taskforce to launch the German-TaiwaneseVocational Training Project pursue four wins of laborers, enterprises, schools, and goverments. The purpose of this study was to realize the status-quo of the apprentices’ on-the-job (OJT) training perviced by enterprises. In order to reach the purpose, this study conducted a document analysis, and developed a questionnaire to solicit opinions from 304 apprentices. Consequently, 262 (or 86%) questionnaires were received and 257 (or 85%) were effective ones. Statistical processes such as percentage, mean, t test, ANOVA, and Scheffe were employed to analysize data. Consequently, the following 10 conclusions were made:(1) The enterprises do follow related laws and regulations to offer apprentices the safe training environment, living allowance, laborer’s insurance and health insurance. (2) The appropriateness of the content, equipment, and time of OJT training is statistcally different based on different enterprises. (3) Most enterprises exceed legally-allowed time to require apprentices’ OJT training. (4) The official holiday of the apprentices in hotels is less than three other categories of apprentices. (5) The enterprises should arrange proper supervisors to direct apprentices. (6) In order to maintain teaching quality, the enterprises should arrange proper number of supervisors. (7) The supervisors should appropriately provide their apprentices with on OJT efficencies feedback. (8) Courses of their schools should have better coordination with OJT. (9) The apprentices subsidy in Category Information and Electronics is higher than other three categories. (10) It is still low that the enterprises tend to hire recruit apprentices when they graduate.



台德菁英計畫, 工作崗位訓練, 技術生, German-Taiwanese Vocational Training Project, on the job training, apprenticeship





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