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本研究之目的在發展臺灣地區高中職學生用藥素養評量工具,並調查臺灣高中職學生的用藥素養、用藥行為的現況,以及探討用藥素養對用藥行為之預測情形。本研究採先質性後量性研究的方式進行。第一階段以焦點團體訪談方法蒐集高中職學生之用藥相關資訊,做為發展用藥素養評量題組之依據,以104學年度第二學期全國高中職學生研究對象,立意選取5所北部地區高中職學校,計43 名學生參與焦點團體訪談。第二階段量性研究主要在調查高中職學生之用藥素養及正確用藥行為現況,採自填結構式網路調查問卷進行調查,以105學年度第一學期全國高中職學生為研究對象,採等比機率抽樣,全國共26 所高中職學校,計2,250 名學生完成問卷填寫。以多元邏輯斯迴歸分析探討探討個人背景因素、用藥素養對正確用藥行為之預測。本研究發展出具有良好信度與效度,以生活情境運用藥袋、藥盒、說明書(仿單)及藥品廣告單等輔助評量之高中職學生用藥素養評量工具。高中職學生用藥素養調查發現,有67.77%的學生處於邊緣或不足素養程度,以評量工具而言,學生在藥盒及說明書(仿單)使用的素養是最差的,若以素養層面而言,學生的批判性用藥素養層面最不好。用藥行為調查結果發現,竟有約半數的學生不會留意居家附近的診所、藥局的位置及電話,約二成的學生曾以不當方式購藥,約一成的學生用藥前不會閱讀使用說明,且約二成的學生曾自行增加藥量且超過說明書的建議。以多元邏輯斯迴歸分析結果發現,用藥素養、學制、性別、年級及家庭經濟狀況等因素與高中職學生之正確用藥行為有顯著相關。因此建議學校能以本研究發展之評量工具檢測學生之用藥素養程度,再依照學生用藥素養程度授以適合的正確用藥教育課程,達到最好的教育成效。
The objectives of this study were to develop the medication literacy assessment instrument and survey of medication literacy and behavior of medication use among the high school students in Taiwan. In addition, we also investigated the association of medication literacy with the behavior of appropriate medication use was investigated among high school students. In this study, qualitative and quantitative research methods were used. The focus group interview was used to collect the issue about medication use among high school students, as the reference for the development of medication literacy assessment instrument. After the medication literacy assessment tool has been developed, the medication literacy and behavior of appropriate medication use among high school students were surveyed by the questionnaire. There were 43students from 5 Senior/Vocational high schools in the Greater Taipei who were be purposively sampled to conduct the focus group interview in 2015. The online questionnaire was used and there were 2250 students from 26 Senior/Vocational high schools completed the survey in 2016. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to examine factors related to the behavior of appropriate medication use. The main findings in this study were as follows. First, a real-life medication literacy assessment tool was been developed, and the reliability and validity were good. Second, 67.77% high school students had inadequate and marginally adequate medication literacy. Generally, the literacy to use the information in the medication package/label and literacy of medication advertisement and the critical medication literacy were inadequate among high school students. Third, the behavior to appropriate use of non-prescription drugs should be enhanced. Fourth, medication literacy, school type, gender, grade, household income were the predictive variable of the behavior of appropriate medication use among high school students. It is suggested that medication literacy of students should be assessed by this assessment instrument and the education programs should be practiced according to the level of medication literacy among students.



高中職學生, 用藥素養, 評量工具, 用藥行為, high school students, medication literacy, assessment instrument, medication use





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