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本研究旨在探討大學國際學生來到台灣攻讀大學學位所經歷的學習經驗與學習適應歷程,包含來台之動機、學習適應歷程、內涵、所遭遇之學習適應挑戰以及面對困難挑戰所採取之策略,並提出有助於國際學生相關輔導之建議,以提供政府、學校相關單位及輔導人員作為參考,共同重視國際學生的學習問題。 本研究採質性研究作為研究取向,深度訪談六位目前就讀國立臺灣師範大學,並且在來台求學期間曾經遭遇學業適應、社會文化適應等問題的大學部國際學生,針對大學的學習經驗與適應歷程進行深度訪談,形成六個學習故事,從中歸納出來自不同國家的大學國際學生學習適應歷程之重要內涵,並進一步訪談五位研究參與者之授課教師或導師,藉此呈現國際學生在大學學習過程中的真實面貌,其研究結果如下: 一、六個學習故事之核心主題包括:人生轉折、挑戰自我、生命改變、破繭而 出、苦盡甘來、堅持信念等。 二、大學國際學生來到台灣求學之動機受到「拉力」與「推力」兩大因素共同 影響,其中「拉力」因素分別為:完善中文學習環境、繁體中文字的優 勢、獲得留學獎學金、臺灣華語教師推薦與鼓勵、合適的政治經濟社會與 教育環境;「推力」因素則有:喜愛中文欲培養第二外語能力、原生家庭 與重要他人影響、高中成績不理想等。 三、影響大學國際學生產生學習適應困難問題,包含「語言」、「人際」、 「經濟」、「心理」「課程制度」以及「社會文化」等六大因素。 四、大學國際學生學習適應歷程包含U型與W型兩種類型,U型學習適應歷程經 歷「探索陶醉期」、「衝擊沮喪期」、「調適適應期」、「認同接納期」 四個時期;W型學習適應歷程則是經歷「探索陶醉期」、「衝擊沮喪 期」、「調適適應期」、「生涯危機期」、「認同接納期」五個時期,其 內涵包含「遠渡重洋,懷抱大學夢」、「語言鴻溝,阻礙學習路」、「文 化交會,衝突與適應」、「再陷低潮,生涯現危機」、「認同融入,邁向 新人生」。 五、大學國際學生學習適應的策略,包括「內在調適」及「外在行動」兩方 面。在「內在調適」方面包含正向心理思考、抱持積極態度、堅持自我 信念、自我心態調整、適度自我要求、憑藉宗教力量;在「外在行動」 方面包含尋求他人支持、參與公共事務、運用學校資源、善用科技輔 助、求助導師協助、規畫未來藍圖、參加課外課程。 六、針對臺灣師大與國際學生學習相關的「學校環境」、「課程規劃」、「輔 導機制」以及「教學評量」等方面進行探討,發現臺灣師大「學校地處便 利之帶,專責單位提供交流空間環境」、「著重生活適應輔導,學習適應 問題未獲實質解決」、「課程規劃缺乏彈性,造成國際學生學習倍感壓 力」以及「教學評量強調公平,忽視國際學生特殊學習需求」。 根據以上研究發現,提供未來相關研究及大學國際學生學習與輔導工作一些建議,以供參考。
The purpose of this study was to explore the learning experiences and the academic adjustment process of international students who studied Bachelor degree in Taiwan. Including international students’ motivations to study in Taiwan, the challenges they face and the strategies they adopt to achieve academic adjustments. An in-depth qualitative interview method was employed in this study. In- depth interview with six international undergraduate students in National Taiwan Normal University was to investigate their academic adjustment experiences and adjustment process. From international students’ learning experiences, this study was to understand the problems of academic and social cultural adjustments that they had suffered during the school life. The research results are obtained and concluded as shown below: First, six stories of academic adjustment experience are attributed into six themes: life’s transition, challenge himself, change life, breakthrough, Sweet after sweat, keep the faith and so on. Second, international students’ motivations studying in Taiwan was influenced by a combination of “push” and “pull” factors. “Push” factors include perfect Chinese-learning environment, the advantage of Traditional Chinese characters, gain the scholarships, Chinese teachers’ recommendation and encouragement, appropriate political, economic, social and educational environment; "push" factors were: like Chinese and want to learn the second foreign language, influence from original family and significant others, poor academic performance in high school and so on. Third, the factors that caused international undergraduate students the academic adjustment problems include Language proficiency, interpersonal relationship, economic support, psychology, curriculum system and social culture. Fourth, academic adjustment process of international undergraduate students included “U-curve” and “W-curve” two different types. In U-curve adjustment process, international students often undergo four periods: Euphoria, depression, adjustment and acceptance; In W-curve adjustment process, international students undergo five periods: Euphoria, depression, adjustment, crisis and acceptance. Fifth, international undergraduate students’ strategies to adapt academic learning include “internal adjustment” and“ external action”. Internal adjustment includes positive thinking and attitude, keep self-belief, self-attitude adjustment, appropriate ego request, the power of religion; External action includes seeking the support of others, participate in public affairs, the use of school resources, make good use of technological aids , ask academic adviser for help, plan blueprint for the future, and participate in extracurricular courses. Sixth, this study explored “school environment”, “ curriculum planning”, “guidance system” and “teaching evaluations” in National Taiwan Normal University .The research indicated National Taiwan Normal University is located in the convenience of the band, specialized unit supplied space and environment to communicate, school focus on living counseling, international students’ academic learning problem have not been solved. Lacking flexibility in curriculum planning caused the pressure of international students in learning. The fair assessment has been overemphasized, ignoring international students with special learning needs. Finally, according to the research result, the suggestions to future related researches and counseling are mentioned.



大學國際學生, 學習經驗, 學習適應歷程, international undergraduate students, learning experience, academic adjustment





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