
dc.contributorLai, Whuei-Wenen_US
dc.contributor.authorSu, Yu Chunen_US
dc.description.abstract過去五年,女性騎乘大型重型機車的討論度愈來愈高,並且提倡騎乘大型重型機車是一種興趣、休閒、文化與生活態度。在傳統的國家,許多女性選擇保留展現自我,主因來自於性別、社會文化等限制。現今社會的女性意識抬頭,愈來愈多女性開始騎乘大型重型機車來彰顯自我身份。本研究藉由分析台灣女性騎乘哈雷大衛森(Harley-Davidson)的動機與騎乘經驗,來探討該市場是否能成為哈雷大衛森(Harley-Davidson)的特定族群目標之一,並依據符合其個性而進行該市場的行銷分析。本研究整理相關的文獻回顧,包括在過去對於大型重型機車的類型與該摩托車公司的品牌精神、社群媒體策略進行整理。關於競爭對手的優缺點分析,騎乘大型重型機車所傳遞的信念、女性與金屬結合的時尚感以及現今的家庭結構與社會文化背景等。 本研究的研究方法為:(1)進行焦點訪談針對六位台灣男女性、一名印度男性、一名法國男性作為內部研究的對象,探討該品牌的問題點。(2)進行焦點訪談依據台灣哈雷獨角獸女子車隊訪談報導,進一步探討選擇該品牌的因素。(3)採用立意抽樣法,針對騎乘大型重機和想騎大型重機的男女性,依上述焦點訪談(1)及(2)設計問卷,總共發送276份GOOGLE表單問卷調查表,可用樣本為252份。最後,(4) 使用羅吉斯回歸模型的方式,分別找出台灣男女性對於選擇哈雷大衛森(Harley-Davidson)的決策因素。 研究結果發現選擇哈雷大衛森(Harley-Davidson)的台灣女性,家庭結構為已婚有小孩具統計顯著性;職業類別以事業有成的自營商/老闆為主,平均月收入則是在十二萬元以上。對於這樣條件的女性族群,本研究發現選擇該產品的女性不考慮產品的性能、造型與價格,反而更著重於該品牌的獨特引擎聲。另外,該摩托車品牌所能帶來的「表彰自我形象」與「騎乘大型重機不只是男人的專利」為主要動機。而台灣哈雷女性族群在騎乘該品牌時,特別偏好與兩三好友共同騎乘,一起享受騎乘的樂趣。運用以上的特點為台灣的哈雷大衛森(Harley-Davidson)建立顧客戶購買旅程。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDuring the past five years, the topic about woman riders has gone viral. Plus, an increasing volume of voices advocates the heavy motorcycle riding is a habit, leisure, culture, and life attitude. In a country with conservative culture, many women cannot freely express their owned styles due to gender and social constraints. However, more and more women start to ride heavy motorcycles to demonstrate the characters attributed to the awakening of feminist consciousness in the modern society. This essay starts from analysis of the women’s intention and riding experiences for the Harley-Davidson’s motorcycles, and then concludes whether female consumers are under the radar of Harley-Davidson’s marketing strategy as well as the product propositions for different style of characters. The study refers to several materials including the class of motorcycle brands, brand spirits of the motorcycle companies, and the marketing strategies on the social media. Plus, the study also covers the pros and cons of the competitors, the messages from heavy motorcycle riding, the trendy fashion to blend female power and metals, and the framework of modern family and social culture context. The methodology of research includes: 1. a focus group has 6 Taiwanese women and men, 1 Indian men, 1 French men to tap into the argument points of the brand; 2. a focus interviewees from the team “Unicorn Lady Rider” for further discussion regarding the elements of brand; 3. purposive sampling approach to disseminate the questionnaires which is designed on the basis of the bullet points from point 1 and 2, to the broader groups of woman and man riders. Among 276 Google questionnaires are disseminated, 252 feedbacks are collected and applicable to be the samples; 4, by applying logistic regression model, the study to wrap up the main factor for Taiwanese consumers to choose Harley-Davidson. The research comes to a conclusion that the statistical significances for female Harley-Davidson consumers who have characters including married with kid(s), successful in career or business, and with average TWD 120 thousands/month income level. The study also indicates the facts that this type of female consumers tends to be attracted by the identical vroom from a motorcycle engine while they are less inclined to the performance, modeling, and price. Moreover, the intention to express personal style and proclaim “the heavy motorcycle is not just for man” leads another main motivation to purchase the heavy motorcycle. Taiwanese female riders prefer to ride the motorcycle with friends and enjoy the great vibe. Use the above characteristics to build a customer purchase journey for Harley-Davidson in Taiwan.en_US
dc.subjectTaiwan Female Rideren_US
dc.titleThe Determinants of Women’s Choice of Harley-Davidson: Evidence from Taiwanen_US

