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本研究旨在探討技專校院外語相關科系學生使用英文教科書之認知負荷與學習焦慮。研究者以技專校院外語相關科系主修英語日間部一至四年級學生及五專日間部四、五年級學生為研究對象,並採用分層群集抽樣的方式,抽取8所英語相關科系之學校,其有效樣本共599份,經受試者施以認知負荷量表、學習焦慮量表後,研究者所得資料以t考驗、變異數分析、簡單線性迴歸分析與多變項迴歸分析進行假設考驗。 研究結果發現,學生認知負荷與學習焦慮呈現低負面感受;「相同就讀年級」、「不同英文能力畢業門檻」及「通過英文相關證照等級」之技專校院學生在使用英文教科書方面,其認知負荷與學習焦慮有顯著差異;「不同性別」與「不同聘任外籍教師人數」之技專校院學生在使用英文教科書方面,其認知負荷有顯著差異;不同認知負荷(心智努力、難易程度、挫折容忍度)之技專校院學生使用英文教科書其在學習焦慮(溝通焦慮、測驗焦慮、害怕負面評價)多元相關係數顯示皆具中度相關,解釋變異量皆達33.0%以上。 最後,研究者根據研究結果,提供相關建議予教育主管機關、技專校院、技專校院教師、技專校院學生與後續研究者參考。
This study was designed to investigate Vocational School Foreign Language Department students’ cognitive load and learning anxiety in relation to using English textbooks. The researchers targeted English majors students university from grade one to grade four and junior college from grade four to grade five in the Foreign Language Department of Vocational Schools. Stratified sampling method was adopted to extract eight relevant English departments. 599 valid samples were returned and were subject to cognitive load scale, learning anxiety scale, t test, variance analysis, simple linear regression analysis and multivariate regression hypothesis testing. As analysis results showed, students' cognitive load and learning anxiety level presented a low degree of negative feelings; “same grade”, “different English proficiency graduation threshold” and “GEPT level passed” resulted in significant difference in cognitive load and learning anxiety for vocational school students when using English textbooks; “different genders” and “number of expatriate teachers” resulted in significant difference in cognitive load for vocational school students when using English textbooks; students with different cognitive load (mental effort, the degree of difficulty, frustration tolerance) when using English textbooks, experienced learning anxiety (negative evaluation of communication apprehension, test anxiety, fear), and multivariate correlation coefficient showed a moderate correlation, and all explain variation amounts were more than 33%. Finally, based on the findings, the researchers provide advice to the Education authorities, vocational schools, vocational schools teachers, vocational schools students and researchers for subsequent reference.



技專校院, 認知負荷, 學習焦慮, vocational schools, cognitive load, learning anxiety

