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本研究旨在瞭解幼兒自尊發展的現況,並探討幼兒的自尊與其同儕社會地位之關聯。研究採立意取樣之方式,以405位來自台北市、新北市之公、私立幼稚園中四歲至入國民小學前的學齡前幼兒為研究對象。施測工具包括「照片式社會計量法」與研究者自編之「幼兒自尊量表」,對受試幼兒進行一對一個別訪談及施測。本研究結果發現如下: 一、受試幼兒對「身體我」、「社會我」、「心理我」、「投射我」及「整體」的自尊評價均呈現正向反應。 二、不同性別幼兒對「身體我」、「社會我」、「心理我」、「投射我」及「整體」的自尊評價上並無顯著差異。 三、大班幼兒與小班幼兒在「身體我」、「社會我」、「心理我」、「投射我」及「整體」自尊的評價也無顯著差異。 四、不同同儕社會地位的幼兒在「身體我」、「社會我」的自尊表現上無顯著差異存在。但是,在「心理我」、「投射我」及「整體」自尊表現上則有顯著差異存在,同儕社會地位為「受歡迎」、「受忽視」或「受爭議」的幼兒,對自己「心理我」、「投射我」及「整體」的自尊評價,高於同儕社會地位為「被拒絕」或「一般」的幼兒。
The purpose of this research was to investigate the development of self-esteem and understand the association between self-esteem and sociometric status in young Children. The participants consisted of 405 boys and girls aged 4 to 6 years from public and private kindergartens in Taipei City and New Taipei City. The measurement used in this study were “The Self-Esteem Scale for Young Children” and “Picture Sociometric Technique” with individual interview. The findings were as follows: First, young children’s shows a positive evaluation in physical, social, mental and project domains of self-esteem. Second, young children’s self-esteem shows no significant difference between genders. Third, there is no significant difference in young children’s self-esteem between ages. Fourth, young children’s physical self-esteem and social self-esteem shows no significant difference between social statuses. However, there is significant difference in young children’s mental self-esteem, project self-esteem and overall self-esteem between social statuses. Overall, Popular, neglected, and controversial children’s mental self-esteem, project self-esteem and overall self-esteem are more positive than rejected and average children.



幼兒, 幼兒自尊, 同儕社會地位, young children, self-esteem for young children, peer social status

