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本研究目的以計畫行為理論來探討懷孕婦女規律運動行為意向並評價該理論之適配度。本研究為調查研究設計,以立意取樣,研究對象為北部醫學中心接受產檢、懷孕大於12週且無妊娠合併症之孕婦,共621位,平均年齡為31.76歲(SD=3.87)。研究工具為自擬量表,包括基本資料表、孕期運動知識及懷孕期間從事規律運動意向量表。統計方法分別使用SPSS for Windows 14.0程式及LISREL 8.72版統計軟體對理論模式適配進行評量分析。研究結果顯示: 一、孕婦對於懷孕期間規律運動行為意向、態度、主觀規範及知覺行為控制為正向,且有6成4以上的孕婦表示從今天起至生產前有可能從事規律運動。 二、 外在變項-社會人口學、孕產史、自覺健康狀態及懷孕期間運動知識對孕婦規律運動之態度、主觀規範及知覺行為控制具顯著影響。 三、計畫行為理論適用於孕婦規律運動行為意向模式,整體適配度達到評鑑指標(GFI=0.90、AGFI=0.88、RMSEA=0.062、SRMR=0.074、NFI=0.96、NNFI=0.97、CFI=0.98、(χ2/df)=3.4、PNFI=0.84)。 四、「態度」、「主觀規範」及「知覺行為控制」皆對孕婦規律運動行為意向有顯著影響,可解釋的變異量為57%。其中知覺行為控制(β=0.68, p<0.01)為孕婦規律運動行為意向之主要決定因子,其次為主觀規範(β=0.12, p<0.01)。 五、行為信念與結果評價交乘積和影響態度(γ=0.58, p<0.01)、規範信念與依從動機交乘積和影響主觀規範(γ=0.87, p<0.01)、控制信念與知覺力量交乘積和(ΣPi×Ci)影響知覺行為控制(γ=0.35, p<0.01)。 六、孕婦規律運動行為之態度、主觀規範及知覺行為控制彼此間呈顯著的正相關。 計畫行為理論可用來解釋孕婦於懷孕期間規律運動行為意向的。知覺行為控制為孕婦規律運動行為意向之主要決定因子,其次為主觀規範。建議醫護人員應協助孕婦克服在規律運動之主要障礙因素,並給予孕婦所需的資源,以促使孕婦於懷孕期間能規律運動。
The objective of this study was to explore the regular exercise behavioral intention on Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) among pregnancy women and evaluated the model goodness of fit. The study was a survey design. Using purposive sampling, we identified and invited pregnant women from the obstetrics outpatient clinics of three medical centers in northern Taiwan. Qualified participants were gestation weeks 12 or over without high risk of pregnancy. 621 completed the instrument. The mean age was 31.76 (SD=3.87). A self-administered instrument was used to collect socio-demographics, pregnancy exercise knowledge, and regulare exercise intention during pregnancy. Data was analyzed using SPSS 14.0 software and LISREL 8.72 software. The results of the study were as following: 1.Pregnant women were positive on the regulare exercise intention, attitude (AB), subjective norm (SN) and perceived behavior control (PBC) during pregnancy. There are 64% pregnant women would be regulare exercise from today to delivery. 2.External variables of demographic, prenatal, perceived health status during pre-pregnancy and pregnancy, pregnancy exercise knowledge were significantly related regular exercise AB, SN and PBC among pregnant women. 3.The TPB was fit the model of regular exercise intention among pregnancy (GFI=0.90, AGFI=0.88, RMSEA=0.062, SRMR=0.074, NFI=0.96, NNFI=0.97, CFI=0.98, PNFI=0.84,(χ2/df)=3.4). 4.The AB, SN and PBC were significantly influenced intention and explained 57% of variance of regular exercise intention among pregnant women. The major influenced factor was PBC (β=0.68, p<0.01), as follow was SN (β=0.12, p<0.01). 5.The behavioral beliefs multiplied by evaluations of outcomes of pregnant women were significant influenced AB (γ=0.58, p<0.01). The normative beliefs multiplied by motivations to comply of pregnant women were significant influenced SN (γ=0.87, p<0.01). The control beliefs multiplied by perceived power of pregnant women were significant influenced PBC (γ=0.35, p<0.01). 6.Regular exercise AB, SN and PBC among pregnant women were significantly positive interrelationship. TPB could be tested the model of regular exercise behavioral intention among pregnancy women. The major influenced factor was PBC, as follow was SN. Medical stuffs should assistant to overcome barrier factors, and provide resources to promote regular exercise during pregnancy among pregnant women.



孕婦, 規律運動, 計畫行為理論, 意向, pregnant, regular exercise, Theory of Planned Behavior, intention





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