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本研究主要目的為瞭解兒童社區遊戲場安全的現況,並評價以社區體驗為取向的兒童遊戲場安全教育介入,對國小二、三年級學童遊戲場安全意識、知識、態度、行為的影響、以及兒童對該介入課程活動之滿意度,並瞭解影響兒童遊戲場安全的因素。 本研究采准實驗設計,立意選取台北市南港區某巿立國民小學之自願參加介入活動二、三年級學童為實驗組(51人),另以地理、人文環境相近的一所同地區之市立國民小學二、三年級學童為對照組(46人),實驗組和對照組皆在實驗前一周施以前測,並分別於實驗後一周、實驗後二個月施以後測、後後測。本研究所使用研究工具:一為以社區體驗為取向的遊戲場安全教育課程活動,共七個單元,總共七小時的一日課程活動;一為自編的「以社區體驗取向遊戲場安全問卷」,其內容包括:背景資料、遊戲場安全意識、遊戲場安全知識、遊戲場安全態度、遊戲場安全行為等五大項。 研究資料是以配對t檢定、二因子重覆量數變異數分析、多元回歸分析等方法進行資料分析,結果發現(1) 研究對象的遊戲場環境安全意識、安全知識偏低;遊戲場安全行為意識、安全態度、安全行為偏向正向。(2) 以社區體驗為取向的兒童遊戲場安全教學對學童之「遊戲場環境安全意識」、「遊戲場安全知識」、「遊戲場安全態度」等三方面得分之增進具顯著立即效果,但對學童之「遊戲場安全行為意識」、「遊戲場安全行為」得分改變之立即效果不顯著(3) 以社區體驗為取向的兒童遊戲場安全教學對學童之「遊戲場環境安全意識」、「遊戲場安全知識」二方面得分之增進具顯著短期效果,但對學童之「遊戲場安全行為意識」、「遊戲場安全態度」、「遊戲場安全行為」得分改變之短期效果不顯著。(4) 有無受傷經驗是影響研究對像研究開始時遊戲場安全行為得分之顯著因素,無受傷經驗之學童遊戲場安全行為得分比有受傷者遊戲場安全行為平均高出2.9分。(5)「性別」、「年齡」、「有無遊戲場受傷經驗」等三個變項,對研究對像於研究開始時遊戲場安全行為意識得分,有16.1% 的解釋力。(6)「教學策略」是影響學童之遊戲場環境安全意識、遊戲場安全知識的顯著因素。(7) 學童遊戲場安全各向度前測得分,均是影響研究最終時兒童遊戲場安全意識、知識、態度、行為的重要影響因素。(8) 除了「遊戲場安全行為意識前測得分」外,「年齡」、「遊戲場安全知識前測得分」亦是影響研究最終時學童遊戲場安全行為意識之顯著因素。(9)近七成實驗組學童對「以社區體驗為取向的兒童遊戲場安全教育課程」評價為正向滿意及自覺有幫助。   最後並根據研究過及程研究結果,提出研究結論、研究限制,以及本研究引發的建議,以提供實務及相關研究之參考。
This research mainly explores the current state of safety of children』s community playground, evaluates the effect of an intervention-based community-experiencing approach on the consciousness, knowledge, attitude, and behavior of the playground safety of the second- and third-grader in elementary school and how children are satisfied with this intervention, and understands the factors affecting the safety of children』s playgrounds. Methodologically, the research adopts the quasi-experimental design, targeting fifty-one voluntary second-and third-grader in a public elementary school in the Nan-Gang District in Taipei City and chooses another geographically and culturally similar school as the contrast group, which is composed of forty-six students. The experiment and the contrast group have the pre-test before the experiment and have the post-test and the post-post-test one week and two months respectively after the experiment. The researchers are as follows. The first is the one-day playground safety education curriculum based on the community-experiencing approach including seven units, taking seven hours to complete. The second is the community-experiencing approach based playground safety questionnaire, covering the background information, playground safety consciousness, the knowledge of playground safety, the attitude of playground safety, the safe behavior of playgrounds. The research data are analyzed through the pair t-test, repeated two ways anova , and regression analysis. The results include: (1) the targets』 consciousness of playground environment and knowledge of safety is rather insufficient. Their consciousness of safe behavior of playground , attitude, and behavior of playground safety are positive. (2) The playground safety education curriculum based on the community- experiencing approach has immediate obvious effects on their conscious- ness of the environmental safety of the playground and their knowledge and attitude of the playground safety, but not on their consciousness of safe behavior of the playground and playground safety behavior. (3) The playground safety education curriculum based on the community-experiencing approach has apparent short-term effects on their consciousness of the environmental safety of the playground and knowledge of the playground safety, but not on the consciousness of safe behavior, attitude of playground safety, and safe behavior of playground. (4) Whether they have experiences of injury affects the scoring of subjects in the safety of playground in the beginning of the experiment. Children who have never been injured get 2.9 points more than those who have in the average of the safe behavior of playground. (5) Gender, age, and experiences of injury are 16.1 % explanatory to the consciousness of safety of playground of the subjects. (6) The teaching strategy is an apparent factor of the consciousness of the environmental safety and the knowledge of safety of playground. (7) The scorings in all the dimensions of the pretests on the safety of children』s playground are important factors of the consciousness, knowledge, attitude, and behavior of children』s playground in the terminal phase of the experiment. (8) In addition to the scoring in the pretest on the consciousness of safe behavior of playground, age and the scoring in the pretest on the knowledge of safety of playground are also apparent factors of the consciousness of the safety of children』s playground in the end of the experiment. (9) More than 70% of the subjects give positive evaluation of the intervention. Lastly, the researcher according to the process and the results of the research gives the conclusion and limitations of the research and suggestions founded on this research, which serves as reference for the application and related researches.



社區體驗取向, 遊戲場, 安全教育, 兒童, community-experiencing approach, playground safety, safety education, children





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