羅素(Bertrand Russell)論美好人生及其教育蘊義
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This study aims at probing into Bertrand Russell’s perspectives on good life and its implications to education. Using the methods of conceptual analysis and hermeneutics, this study first illustrates Russell’s life experiences and academic background. Next, the researcher explains how Russell embodied his opinions on the ‘education of character’ and ‘intellectual education’ into practice through running Beacon Hill School himself, which gave modern education lots of inspirations. In addition, this study states the causes of unhappiness and its opposite, and points out Russell’s ideas on the components of happiness which are ‘love’ and ‘knowledge.’ Teachers shall provide children an environment of freedom, discipline, work, family and charity to cultivate ‘love’; and to develop children’s knowledge through teaching science, rationality and morality. In the end, this study not only approves the newly advocates of educational emerging subjects that correspondent to Russell’s points of view on good life, but also points out a few suggestions and recommendations in education.
This study aims at probing into Bertrand Russell’s perspectives on good life and its implications to education. Using the methods of conceptual analysis and hermeneutics, this study first illustrates Russell’s life experiences and academic background. Next, the researcher explains how Russell embodied his opinions on the ‘education of character’ and ‘intellectual education’ into practice through running Beacon Hill School himself, which gave modern education lots of inspirations. In addition, this study states the causes of unhappiness and its opposite, and points out Russell’s ideas on the components of happiness which are ‘love’ and ‘knowledge.’ Teachers shall provide children an environment of freedom, discipline, work, family and charity to cultivate ‘love’; and to develop children’s knowledge through teaching science, rationality and morality. In the end, this study not only approves the newly advocates of educational emerging subjects that correspondent to Russell’s points of view on good life, but also points out a few suggestions and recommendations in education.
羅素, 美好人生觀, 愛, 知識, Russell, good life, love, knowledge