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近年來,老建築結合博物館展示已是趨勢,例如文建會(現今文化部)在2005年啟動的「博物館系統」計畫,即以國立臺灣博物館(以下簡稱臺博館)為首,串聯附近日治時期的歷史建築,結合近代新博物館學,展示型態從靜態文物的展示方式轉變以觀眾為導向,以互動裝置媒體等新型展示手法,主動地使觀眾接收展覽訊息。 本研究人員於2016年暑假期間申請至臺博館南門園區擔任實習生,實習期間觀察不同觀眾有不同參觀反應與經驗,另外,南門園區開放時間已三年,相關研究不多,較少以歷史型博物館為研究場域探討建築歷史與觀眾參觀經驗之關係。藉此,本研究目的為了解觀眾於「歷史建築改建之新型展覽」的參觀經驗,採取質性研究的觀察法與訪談法,於民國107年3月7日至3月11日至國立臺灣博物館南門園區,以立意抽樣選定參觀者,利用半結構式訪談法並依照訪談者意願進行口述語意,針對參觀經驗進行調查並得出結論與模式。 研究結果顯示,觀眾在參觀後的個人脈絡方面,能與先前的經驗與記憶連結,並且能從在展覽中學習到的知識延伸出學習慾望;社會脈絡方面,觀眾表示導覽人員的角色相當重要,並會因是否聽導覽而產生學習差異;環境脈絡層面,成人觀眾偏愛「情境式靜態展示」,親子觀眾則認為「科技互動動態展示」最吸引人,而多數觀眾表示展示區與展示區之間的子題,以及與歷史建築需要更多的連結性才能更理解脈絡,觀眾並認為博物館優點為整體環境乾淨、舒服,缺點為展區少,園區腹地小,參觀得不夠滿足。雖然地點位置交通易到達,但附近地點多為公家機關的辦公大樓因而不太會常來此區域,參觀者多為偶然經過起意。本研究結論將歷史建築博物館化的三要素對應觀眾參觀經驗之三脈絡提出兩者之間的分析歸納並且提出南門園區所面臨之議題:一、博物館功能的轉型。二、歷史建築「社會性」的不足。三、展示區內容的規劃與連結。四、博物館行銷與推廣,以及未來研究建議,希望能對歷史建築再利用為展示空間的規劃與設計做參考。
Recently, historical buildings combining with museum is popular in the world, for example, Council for Cultural Affairs has started the plan “System of museum” which take National Taiwan Museum as a core area, and chained the Japanese historical buildings nearby. Using New Museology, the meaning of exhibition changed from taking important on display to the audients. With interactive installments, museum would make the audients catch the content of exhibition initiatively. The researcher had applied to be an intern in National Taiwan Museum in 2016. During the time in the museum, the researcher observed that different kinds of visitors had different kind of experiences. In addition, the Nammen park has opened for 3 years, but the related research is few. Therefore, this study aims to know the visitors’ experience in the historical building that is reconstructed to be exhibitions. The researcher selected samples from March 7 to March 11 in Nanmen Park of National Taiwan Museum and used the semi-structured interview method with instantly oral feedback method to investigate the experience of visitors in order to draw conclusions and models. Results indicated that museum visitors not only connect with their previous experiences and memories but also have desire to learn more in the exhibition after visiting. Accordingly, visitors consider that the role of a guide is really important. Adult visitors prefer “situational display”, while parent-child viewers believe that “interactive display of technology” is the most attractive section. Furthermore, visitors suggest that themes of displays need more connection with each other and with historical buildings to be able to understand the context of history. The environment of the museum is considered to be clean and cozy while the area of exhibition is not big enough. In spite of the location of the museum is easy to reach by public transportation, most people visit the museum in occasions when they were passing by and had not known the museum here before. Here this research proposes three issues. Firstly, the function of museum need to considered to transform and develop. Secondly, the "sociality" of historic buildings is not enough now. Thirdly, the content and the link of the displays need to be further planed and developed. Finally, the marketing and promotion for the museum is important. It is hoped that the results contribute to be references for the planning and design of the museum modified from historic buildings.



國立臺灣博物館, 歷史建築, 參觀經驗, 觀眾研究, 展示, National Taiwan Museum, historical buildings, museum experience, visitor research, exhibition





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