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近年來國內的教育產業面臨許多挑戰,少子化的衝擊加上許多專科學校紛紛改制,國內的大學密度已是世界之冠,教育產業的競爭已進入白熱化階段。但想在眾多競爭者中脫穎而出是很不容易的,因為教育產業是高度人力密集的服務產業,持續提供穩定而優質的服務人力是產業重要的競爭基石,然而面對利潤的持續下滑,組織必須隨時調整競爭策略,並適時的進行組織變革。當組織進行變革時,員工的心理反應往往是決定組織變革是否成功的重要因素,因為變革常伴隨著人力架構、組織架構的重大改變,變革本身的目的是為求組織的生存與發展,但變革的過程中所帶來的恐懼、不安、資源分配的不均,都可能導致人才的流失、競爭力的下降,變革不成反倒讓組織付出更大的成本,這種情況對於人力高度密集的教育服務業影響尤其嚴重。所以,如何謹慎處理組織內員工的主觀感受對於降低離職的發生有很重大的影響。因此,本研究旨在探討組織政治知覺、組織變革知覺、工作不安全感與離職傾向之間的關聯性,並以工作不安全感為中介變項,運用層級迴歸來分析工作不安全感在組織政治知覺、組織變革知覺與離職傾向之間的中介效果。而本研究之對象為A推廣教育機構之員工,採用委託人力發送問卷來蒐集實證資料,總共回收了186個有效樣本。 研究結果發現:(1)組織政治知覺對離職傾向有正向的影響效果。(2)組織變革知覺對離職傾向有正向的影響效果。(3)工作不安全感對離職傾向有正向的影響效果。(4)組織政治知覺對工作不安全感有正向的影響效果。(5)組織變革知覺對工作不安全感有正向的影響效果。(6)工作不安全感在組織政治知覺對離職傾向的影響中具有部分中介效果。(7)工作不安全感在組織變革知覺對離職傾向的影響中具有部分中介效果。而本研究的結果,也期望能提供推廣教育機構在進行組織變革時之參考,藉由減少員工的組織政治知覺、組織變革知覺、工作不安全感,將進而降低員工的離職傾向。
The education industries in Taiwan have faced a lot of challenges over the past few years. The trends towards fewer children and the reorganization of junior colleges into technical colleges or universities have result in the number of four-year higher education institutions increases, which makes the competition between education industries reaching fever pitch. It’s not easy to stand out among other competitors because education industries require a lot of manpower in order to provide excellent customer service. However, an institution has to adjust its strategy anytime and moderately reorganize when facing with declining profit. Whether such change, including structural and organizational, will succeed or not depends crucially on employees’ mental reaction. It might cause high stress levels in the workplace and employees when the reorganization is taking place, though the organizational change is the transformation process that an institution goes through in response to the development of new goals and objectives. Thus an institution must be careful when handling employees’ mental reaction and try to decrease the chance of their turnover intentions. Therefore, the purpose of this research is about how employees’ perceptions of organizational politics, perception of organizational change and job insecurity affect on their turnover intention and try to understand if Job Insecurity serves as an intervening variable, partially mediates the relationship between employees’ Perceptions of organizational politics and their turnover intentions. Data from 186 employees who are working at a continuing education institution A were used and summarized in the following conclusions:(1)Perceptions of organizational politics has a positive influence on employees’ turnover intention.(2)Perception of organizational change has a positive influence on employees’ turnover intention.(3)Job insecurity has a positive influence on employees’ turnover intention.(4)Perceptions of organizational politics has a positive influence on Job insecurity.(5)Perceptions of organizational change has a positive influence on Job insecurity.(6) Job Insecurity serves as an intervening variable, partially mediates the relationship between members’ Perceptions of organizational politics and their turnover intentions.(7) Job Insecurity serves as an intervening variable, partially mediates the relationship between members’ Perception of organizational change and their turnover intentions. We hope an institution may learn from this research and try to decline their employees’ turnover intention when processing organizational change by decreasing employees’ perceptions of organizational politics, perception of organizational change and job insecurity.



組織政治知覺, 組織變革知覺, 工作不安全感, 離職傾向, perceptions of organizational politics, perception of organizational change, job insecurity, turnover intention





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