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根據成就目標理論(Dweck & Leggett,1988; Nicholls, 1984, 1989),本研究旨在探討同儕動機氣候與能力知覺對自我設限的預測。研究對象為參加一百年全國協會盃曲棍球錦標賽,高中組和社會組男、女曲棍球選手233人(男選手:156人、女選手:77人),平均年齡20.93歲。研究工具包括同儕動機氣候量表、能力知覺量表、自我設限量表。經資料蒐集完成,以皮爾遜積差相關、多元迴歸分析進行統計分析。研究結果發現如下: 一、自我涉入動機氣候和自我設限呈現正相關;能力知覺和自我設限呈現負相關。二、自我涉入動機氣候能正向預測自我設限。表示當選手知覺團隊同儕間在表現不好的時候,會取笑、批評、抱怨隊友時,則愈容易產生自我設限。三、能力知覺能負向預測自我設限。表示當選手為高能力知覺時,愈不會產生自我設限,反之,當選手為低能力知覺時,愈容易產生自我設限。最後,本研究根據理論架構與上述結果進行討論並提出建議,以提供未來教練與選手在型塑團隊動機氣候時的參考。
Based on achievement goal theory (Dweck& Leggett, 1988; Nicholls, 1984; 1989), the purpose of this study was to examine the predictive utilities of peer-created motivational climate, and perceived ability on self-handicapping. The participants were 233 hockey players (male=157, female=86) who took part in 2011 National Association Cup Hockey Tournament. Their average age is 20.63 years. Participants were requested to complete Peer-created Motivational Climate Questionnaire, Perceived Ability Questionnaire and Sport Self-HandicappingQuestionnaire. The data was analyzed by Pearson’s correlations and multiple regression analysis. The findings of this study were as follows: (1) Peer-created ego-involved climate positively correlated to self-handicapping. On the other hand, perceived ability was negatively associated with self-handicapping. (2) Peer-created ego-involved climate positively predicted self-handicapping. Specifically, the more the player perceived that his or her teammates will make laugh, criticize, complain about his teammates when they had bad performance, they reported more self-handicapping. (3) Self-handicapping was negatively predicted by perceived ability. Specifically, the players who perceived higher ability reported less self-handicapping. In contrast, the players who perceived lower ability reported more self-handicapping. Finally, based on the theoretical framework and results, the discussions, suggestions, and future directions were proposed.



成就目標理論, 同儕動機氣候, 自我設限, Achievement goal theory, peer-created motivational climate, self-handicapping





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