
dc.contributorChang, Te-Yungen_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, Jzung-Luen_US
dc.description.abstract因應席捲而來的人口危機,日本曲突徙薪將地方創生提升為國家重要戰略,並提出精闢的策略,地方跳脫依附政府,建立自主獨立循環型的經濟與設計在地特色模式,吸引青年返鄉,增闢地方創生的里程碑。2020年台灣總人口數開始衰退,高齡少子化儼然成為國安危機,台灣借鏡了日本經驗,以全球化永續視野致力於地方創生,推展永續發展的目標。近年來,台灣地方人口嚴重流失,城鄉發展不均、偏鄉勞動力不足及生態環境惡化等問題,最深層的問題來至於地方資本欠缺下有效的策略規劃與運用,Bourdieu& Wacquant曾指出,資本具體的表現是行動者在場域中所持有的籌碼,供行動者在社會場域遊戲活動作為競爭的武器。因此當地方有了資本做為創生發展基礎,地方創生組織在提取地方DNA時,就須思考地方資本要如何透過組織策略規劃創新來實踐。本研究採取質性研究取向,探究台灣地方創生組織策略規劃與創新實踐。藉由文獻整理出策略規劃前中後「理念與價值、社會環境分析、創新實踐」,以PEST(環境思考)、Porter五力分析(產業思考)、SWOT分析(組織內外部思考)、STP理論(市場思考),以及4P理論(服務與產品銷售思考)作為工具,並選取指標性地方創生組織與研究單位作為研究對象,接續整理訪談資料,分析文本,並與文獻理論對應比較,據以提出以下結論與建議。 結論: 一、以「地方生態支持系統」概念來思考地方創生組織策略規劃理念。 二、以「地方公共事務」來思考地方創生組織策略規劃價值。 三、地方創生策略規劃社會環境分析從政治、經濟、社會及科技 設定好彼此間的尺度與原則,建立出組織與地方政治溝通管道、以社會關係促動經濟行動、利用組織專業技能回應社會需求、發揮創意把科技視為組織發展重要的工具。 四、地方創生策略規劃社會環境分析從波特五力框架 上游供應商的議價能力-低:反應出組織目前所銷售產品在地方無固定產能,將很難與供應商維持穩定的合作關係、下游購買者的議價能力-高:民眾容易透過網路查詢獲得相對應產品資訊,在民眾轉換成本低的狀況下,當下地方創生組織僅直接銷售給民眾不太可能產生買行為、潛在競爭者的威脅-低:組織長期蹲點熟悉地方特色與資源整合,故對於潛在競爭者而言,門檻及進入成本較高,相對潛在競爭者威脅低、替代品威脅-低:組織所開發出產品背後價值與社會意義較高,替代品所提供的產品與服務無法取得更好的價值與價格下,因為對組織來說替代品威脅相對低、既有競爭者威脅-中:組織退出障礙低,容易轉換其他市場,組織採取避免淪為迎合主流消費市場,優化自己商品競爭力。 五、地方創生策略規劃社會環境分析從優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅 優勢:突破地方既有的框架、快速跨域進行資源整合、劣勢:沒有自有建物限制了組織永續發展、欠缺管理觀念造成無形成本浪費、機會:互相經驗交流與分享、威脅:大環境趨勢民眾普遍悲觀、商品或服務同質性過高、沒把自己放進來地方。 六、地方創生組織策略規劃創新實踐對於市場區隔、目標市場、市場定位 把「地方問題」當作產品或服務,透過創新為地方產品或服務做出有趣的事、把「組織優勢發揮到極致」定義自己的遊戲規則、以地方文化、公共事務搭配消費使用時機,做出「差異化」產品與服務。七、地方創生組織策略規劃創新實踐對於產品、價格、通路以及促銷透過地方深層體驗與城鎮連接,以爆款產品或服務為銷售主軸,串連起地方網絡、參考主流市場與網路訊息進行定價,並把定價權利回到生產者本身、採取行銷合作,不走外部通路由組織直接進行銷售、提出以產品對應行銷方案,作為促銷的跳板,留意民眾成為習慣免費問題。八、研究筆記的意外發現推動地方創生至今困境:政策、角色、自有建物政策規劃時缺乏地方環境現況評估以及能適當的行動組織、扮演解決地方問題的角色,接續才是探詢地方原料與資源的角色、沒有自我建物造成地方創生組織資金調度困難。建議: 一、給即將投入地方創生組織建議 釐清地方創生組織是創生還是創業,制定一個明確的理念與價值、想清楚組織進到地方到底要幹嗎、組織的離開就是對於地方的傷害,以及組織進駐後資源重新分配等問題。 二、給地方創生組織的建議 地方DNA差異高低不在是唯一選項,以「公共性」做為組織下一階段發展的參考、把地方議題融入組織優勢發揮到極致,重新定義市場創造出屬於自己的遊戲規則、建立商品與服務良性通路,不為價格傳遞而是價值傳達、留意上游供應商的議價能力低與下游購買者的議價能力高的問題、設定策略規劃停損點與停利點。 三、給地方創生主管機關 重視地方環境現況評估,以行政委辦模式找到適當的行動組織讓偏鄉看到希望、偏鄉學校閒置校舍或教室成為地方創生駐地空間,以解決地方創生組織沒有自我建物問題。 綜上所述,本研究主要分析台灣地方創生組織策略規劃與創新實踐過程,並提出「每階段思考點」,除了在學術理論做出貢獻外,從實務上可以作為地方創生組織推動地方創生問題與解決的參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn response to the sweeping demographic crisis, Japan has elevated local entrepreneurship to an important national strategy and put forward insightful strategies for localities to break away from dependence on the government, establish an autonomous and independent cyclical economy, and design a model of local characteristics to attract young people to return to their hometowns, marking a milestone in local entrepreneurship.This is a milestone in the Regional revitalization.In 2020, Taiwan's total population will begin to decline, and the aging of the population is becoming a national security crisis. Drawing on Japan's experience, Taiwan has devoted itself to local entrepreneurship with a globalized vision of sustainability, and has promoted the goal of sustainable development. In recent years, Taiwan has experienced a serious loss of local population, uneven development between urban and rural areas, insufficient labor force in remote villages, and deterioration of the ecological environment. The deepest problem lies in the lack of effective strategic planning and utilization of local capital, which Bourdieu& Wacquant pointed out, is the bargaining chips held by the actors in the field, which are used for the actors to compete with each other as weapons for social game activities. It is a weapon of competition in the social arena. Therefore, when a place has capital as the basis for its creative development,Regional revitalization organizations, when extracting local DNA, need to think about how local capital can be implemented through the innovation of organizational strategic planning.This studyadopts a qualitative approach to explore the strategic planning and innovative practices of Regional revitalization organizations in Taiwan. Through the literature, we have compiled a list of concepts and values, social environment analysis, and innovative practices before, during, and after strategic planning, and used PEST (environmental thinking), Porter's Five Forces analysis (industry thinking), SWOT analysis (internal and external thinking), STP theory (market thinking), and the 4P theory (service and product sales thinking) as tools, and selected the local Innovation Regional revitalization organizations and research units as research subjects, then organized the interview data, analyzed the texts, and compared them with the theories in the literature in order to come up with the following conclusions and recommendations. Conclusions: 1.Using the concept of"local ecological support system" to consider the concept of strategic planning for regional revitalization organizations. 2.The value of strategic planning for regional revitalization organizations based on the concept of "local public affairs". 3.Analysis of the social environment of regional revitalization strategic planning from political, economic, social and technological perspectives. (1) Setting up a good scale and principle between each other to establish a communication channel betweenthe organization and local politics(2) Promoting economic actions through social relations(3) Responding to social needs by utilizing the professional skills of the organization,(4) Using creativity to regard technology as an important tool for organizational development.4.Analysis of the social environment for regional revitalization strategic planning from the Porter's Five Forces framework (1) Upstream suppliers' bargaining power - low: This reflects the fact that the organization does not have any fixed local production capacity for the products it sells, and it will be difficult for it to maintain stable cooperative relationships with suppliers. (2) Bargaining power of downstream buyers - high: the public can easily obtain information about the corresponding products through the Internet, and given the low switching costs of the public, it is unlikely that the local creative organization will generate buying behavior by selling directly to the public.(3) Threat from potential competitors - low: The organization has been squatting for a long time to familiarize itself with local characteristics and resource integration, therefore, the threshold and entry cost are higher for potential competitors, and the threat from potential competitors is low.(4) Threat of substitutes - low: the value and social significance behind the products developed by the organization is high, and the products and services provided by substitutes cannot achieve better value and price, because the threat of substitutes is relatively low for the organization.(5) Threat from Established Competitors - Medium: Organizations have low exit barriers and can easily switch to other markets. Organizations should take measures to avoid being relegated to catering to the mainstream consumer market and to optimize the competitiveness of their products.5. Analysis of the social environment for regional revitalization strategic planning from strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats(1)Advantages: Breaking through the established local framework, rapid integration of resources across regions.(2) Disadvantages: The lack of owned buildings limits the sustainable development of the organization, and the lack of management concepts results in the waste of non-existent costs.(3) Opportunity: Mutual experience exchange and sharing.(4) Threat: Pessimism in the general environment, high homogeneity of goods or services, and failure to put oneself into the local community.6. Regional revitalization organization strategic planning innovative practices for Market Segregation, Target Markets, and Market Positioning(1) Treat "local issues" as products or services, and do interesting things for products or services through innovation. (2) Define your own rules of the game by maximizing your organization's strengths. (3) Use local culture and public affairs to match the timing of consumption and use to make "differentiated" products and services. 7.Regional revitalization organizations strategic planning and innovative practices for Products, Prices, Channels, and Promotions (1) Connecting with towns through deep local experiences and using pop-up products or services as the main sales axis to link up local networks.(2) Pricing with reference to mainstream market and internet information, and return the right of pricing to the producers themselves.(3) Adopt marketing cooperation, and let the organization directly conduct sales without going through external channels.(4) Propose a product-counterpart marketing program as a springboard for promotions, and pay attention to the free questions that the public has become accustomed to.8. Discoveries in research notes, dilemmas in promoting regional revitalization: Policies, Roles, and Building Property Rights(1) Lack of assessment of the current local environment and appropriate action organization in policy planning.(2) Playing the role of solving local problems, followed by the role of exploring local materials and resources.(3) The lack of Building property rights creates difficulties in mobilizing funds for Regional revitalization organizations.Recommendations:1.Suggestions for regional revitalization Organizations(1) Define whether the local creative organization is a start-up or an entrepreneur, and develop a clear philosophy and values.(2) Think clearly about what the organization will do in the local community, the harm it will do to the local community if it leaves, and the redistribution of resources after it moves in.2.Suggestions for regional revitalization organizations(1) The difference in local DNA is no longer the only option, but rather,"Public Issues" should be used as a reference for the next stage of the organization's development. (2) Incorporate local issues into the organization to maximize its strengths and redefine the market to create its own rules of the game. (3) Establish a virtuous pathway for goods and services, not for the transmission of price but for the transmission of value. (4) Pay attention to the problem of low bargaining power of upstream suppliers and high bargaining power of downstream buyers. (5) Setting up strategies to plan for stop-loss and stop-profit points.3.To the competent authorities of regional revitalization(1) Pay attention to the assessment of the current situation of the local environment, and use the administrative commissioning mode to find appropriate action organizations to give hope to the remote villages.(2) Idle school buildings or classrooms in the remote villages can be used as space for local initiatives, in order to solve the problem of the lack of building property rights buildings forregional revitalization.To summarize,This study analyzes the a study on strategic planning and innovative practices of local regional revitalization organizations in Taiwan.In addition to contributing to academic theories, this study can also serve as a practical reference for regional revitalization organizations to promote local creative problems and solutions.en_US
dc.subjectRegional Revitalizationen_US
dc.subjectStrategic Planningen_US
dc.subjectPhilosophy and Valuesen_US
dc.subjectSocial Environment Analysisen_US
dc.subjectInnovative Practicesen_US
dc.titleA Study on Strategic Planning and Innovative Practices of Local Regional Revitalization Organizations in Taiwanen_US


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