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Department of English, NTNU


文字表徵 (orthographic representation) 對於聽力字彙學習的影響常見諸文獻,惟母語文字之於第二語言聽力字彙學習的影響卻鮮有研究。本研究探討注音符號對於臺灣小學一年級學生在英語聽力字彙學習上的影響。注音在音素形素上的單一對應關係使得學童能在母語學習上獲得可靠的視覺輔助。然就學習英語而言,此種輔助可能因為中、英文在音韻系統上的差異,反使注音所連結的中文音韻與在英語音韻產生競爭,進而妨礙英語音韻的習得。本研究就音韻相關能力、注音拼字、與英語聽力字彙學習測試了115位小一學童。結果顯示注音拼字與英語聽力字彙學習有獨特的相關。惟其相關的方向因學童的英語能力而有所差異。對於尚未學習英語的學生而言,注音有助於英語聽力字彙學習。對於英語已有基礎的學生而言,注音卻有礙於英語聽力字彙學習。進一步的共變數分析結果支持上述的迴歸分析結果。亦即,對於前者,注音拼字能力強者,英語聽力字彙學習能力亦強。對於後者,注音拼字能力強者,英語聽力字彙學習能力反弱。文尾就此種結果對於理論與教學上的意義加以討論。
Orthographic representations have been consistently shown to play a significant role in auditory word learning. The role of first language (L1) orthographic representations in second language (L2) auditory word learning, however, has not been explored. This study examined the potential impact of Zhuyin Fuhao (an interim phonetic transcript used to aid children in their acquisition of Chinese characters) on Chinese-speaking first graders’ success in auditory English novel name learning. Given Zhuyin’s perfect symbol-sound correspondence, children could benefit from this orthographic aid. For EFL learners, however, Zhuyin might compete with, and hence retard the acquisition of the phonological forms being acquired due to the mismatch between the two. In this study, 115 first graders were tested on phonology-related measures, Zhuyin spelling, and English novel name learning. Results from the hierarchical regression analysis indicated that Zhuyin spelling performance was uniquely correlated with English name learning. The direction of the prediction, however, was positive for children having not yet begun learning English (pre-EFL learners), but negative for children having already acquired some proficiency (EFL beginners). This was confirmed by results from further ANCOVAs, which showed that, among pre-EFL children, good Zhuyin spellers were also better English name learners. For EFL beginners, however, good spellers were actually worse. Theoretical and pedagogical implications are discussed in specification mapping terms.







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